


Blaster Cop

Blaster Cop

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Hi, I own the delisted Steam version of Blaster Cop and I noticed there's the option to disable head bobbing which is not available in the version. Is it possible to add that feature back? Thank you

Anyways, here is my playthrough at Blaster Cop difficulty 

Hey! Currently I'm working onArchtower and I have lots of work to do for now, I need to do all preparations to launch it in Early Access soon. But I could return to Blaster Cop for that later.

Honestly one of the best retro FPS I've played. It has the heart of the classics, but also its own creative ideas, interesting boss fights and a charming story. It runs well on old hardware. I just wish it went more in-depth with the YOUREALITY story and it's not really clear how you unlock the different endings. The English translation could be better and it's missing mouse sensitivity settings, but it's fun as it is.

I wanted to replay it on hard difficulty, it has some extra features (new weapons, enemies throwing grenades) but it becomes impossible after the robots appear, I couldn't beat the ninja boss.

Hey, thank you for playing! Glad you enjoyed it.
Endings (and their outcomes) depend on difficulty and your moral choices during a walkthrough.
Yes, I think ninja boss is kinda owerpowered, but it is beatable, you will need a good weapon picking for boss phases, and lots of strafing on the last phase.
Also, you might try a secret weapon (turn Hints Off in settings and play on hard, you will find it in the lab), and did you unlock and pick up battlesuit on hard difficulty?

AntiCebo3 years ago(2 edits)(+1)

Ah, I was missing the battle suit! The ninja boss was still difficult, but I think I unlocked all endings now.

Btw, I tried to leave a small donation via PayPal, but it said that the payment can't be processed.

Hey, glad you beated it! :)
Endings are grouped in three major groups: A - when you spare all your victims, B -when you kill all of them, and C - when you killed at least one and spared at least one. Blaster Cop difficulty makes them a bit better, and/or fuller, and there also are other few minor factors for some changes. I personally think that the best ending you can get is when you doing it on hard, with a 'C' ending.

>payment can't be processed
Ah, yes, always having some problems with this paypal synchronization, I'm  thinking I should just remove that 'name your price' stuff, cause it doesn't work for me here, anyway. Also, if you are still interested to support, you could try my patreon for one month, or something like that,
You also can see there my current project's posts, about Archtower game.

Suspended account4 years ago
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great jobs and cool pixels art...want this game for playstation :P

Nice game ! I like it !

Hi there, do you have an email that I can contact you on regarding your game?·View all by Mr_SMOKE·Report·Embed

