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A member registered Jun 05, 2020

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The spells system is great. Had a few bugs pop up though.


Like when I died in test-build B holding a meteor book and once I respawned, the book got sent to my inventory yet I still had the magic power. While that was happening I equipped a kinesis book and I was able to use both powers. It was honestly really cool actually, to hold an enemy up and fire a meteor on them and send them flying. Only happened once though.

Everything else is good though. The only thing you could add towards the spells are well.. more spells haha. 


If you need some ideas.. hm have you thought of a mutation spell? Some sort of thing that mutates an enemy or few like that one debug spell. 

Jo0ce said something about those rainbow lazers Mrs.Slitherss fires. I agree with that, it's pretty sick.

Really just trying to think of something already in the game in some form.  Hope I could help in anyway.

Haha best cereal for me.. it's gotta be something sugary of sorts.

Thanks though! The gargoyle's tail axe is a good example yeah. Or maybe one of those silly wooden snake toys that bend horizontally too lol. The multiple-jointed weapons would work great for the game!

Have a good day though! And remember to take breaks because I honestly can't tell if you're a robot sometimes since you work so hard lol

Just an idea so il keep it short. Imagine giving a sword model a snake-like skeleton. The harder you s(h)wing, the more the sword bends. 

Also off-topic but for anyone reading this, what is the best cereal and this is like, a very serious question.

One way is you can download the application and updates will download automatically. It's the easiest way. Unless your problem is that you have the app as well it won't update, go into the settings of a game,  and click manage, then check for updates or revert to another version.

If neither these help just give the details I can try to help you more.

It'd be cool if the Wawsp Queen got harder the further out the hive is located. And dropped stats for the further ones.

This update is really amazing I don't really have much else to say lol. Oh! maybe try not to chew more than you can handle or at least take breaks more often dudee

Also, opinions on the uhhh lol "gift" in the community??

Multiplayer is being considered last I checked. It won't be anytime soon though.

It's not as disorientating as it seems! It'll snap the camera back to catch up to where your mouse is. The trick is really just fun to play around with rather than to look cool too. 

I wasn't really suggesting anything here but instead presenting some ideas that would be nice to consider for future updates. That, and showing the flaws of the tricks for better understanding if needed of them. 

I feel these tricks could spice up the combat.

Recently I found out that having slightly higher arm power stats then what the fountain allows, lets you spin attack at 360 degrees. You could also throw the sword around in all directions or do a sword uppercut of sorts which is equally as fun but that's besides the point here! 

Pulling this off depends on your arm power while aiming a clean hit isn't as easy. The sword tends to hit behind you, doesn't always respond to your mouse and will cut off a swing most likely due to lacking the arm power to perform the attack fast enough. Max sensitivity helps and will aid in performing an attack too. In future updates, will these be easier to perform or aim somehow, or be considered before making any camera changes? 

I've included a video to show what I'm talking about.


Hey Fish, the random guy who pops around here every now and then speaking lol. Just hoping yourself and the game are doing good! I've seen the community has gotten crazy full with suggestions lately and wanted to hopefully provide a break from some of it. Have a good day and good luck with anything I suppose!

The beginning was starting to sound like a commercial lol. sick update though

Ever played around with the thought of hiding something behind ..for example crates? Or something that requires a special weapon? Might be a fun idea, who knows.

You got this all planned out well man. Things make a lot more sense now too. You are doing a really great job at keeping this game at the greatest it can be that I can learn a bit from it actually.

Thanks for replying as always, I really appreciate it a bunch. Very glad you're pretty in touch with the community.

So.. have you ever thought about letting the community take a bit of a bigger part here? Like for say, us making an enemy concept all together. Of course that sometimes takes away from a creator's direction for a game or style which is totally understandable. Just wondering is all!

Also hope the stretchy limbs are going good lol.

Hey Fish, that sounds really great!

I've never played Diablo 2 but I did google a few screenshots of the inventory and can't wait to see the final product! It'll fit the game perfectly and feel fun to use I'm really sure.

Really hope it doesn't put up a fight for you to program lol. 

Thanks for taking time out to respond. I appreciate it a lot.

Also thanks, my week balanced itself out. Hope you have a good week!

Having a boring week, got anything new planned for the game yet? Definitely early to ask but need some excitement lol. Hoping for a response. 


yeah, 0.0.6 added that and I only found out the other day.

That'll be cool to see! Anyways was just kidding lol. the video made me laugh hard is all. You got good humour.

Does it include lovely breathing upon growing or shrinking the chest area?

While being a vampire, you can suck juice from corpses to heal and regain energy quickly. It takes away a lot of difficulty as you can just heal after getting hit and go on your way. 

You can also use it to regain lots of energy quickly. You can turn into a machine gun or swing a sword fast with little upgrades to energy from the Juice fountain. 

Not only that but since 0.1.1, what I would call "Juice Knockback" was removed. Sucking juice from bigger enemies would no longer jerk you around and push you back.

All that makes being a vampire very fun however it takes some challenge away from the game, especially since there is no penalty for sucking juice.

So my idea is to add a form of levels to the vampire, while keeping it fun. Plus, bring back Juice Knockback as a stat. Depending on how powerful a vampire you are, the more juice, health, and energy you gain from enemies. To add, the more powerful you are, the more Juice Knockback you can handle.

For example, a weak vampire would jerk around and lose some of it's free movement sucking juice from a bigger enemy. Meanwhile a powerful vampire would handle them fine.

The best way I think this could possible would be by a big Good Juice Pot just for example.

You would fill the pot with juice to make a mixture of Good Juice. Once you're happy with your mixture, jump in it soaking yourself in it, and wait for Batty to do his thing. The more it was filled, the more powerful vampire you've become after Batty.

I feel a Good Juice Pot is an easy way to understand the levels of a vampire, without using an upgrade system like such of the Juice Fountain. 

Quite bold of an idea, but thought it'd be nice to try putting my ideas out.

Oh lol It's not on the phone, it's on computer. You download the app, then install the game off the browser in there. You can find it by clicking the logo at the top of the website then look for where the social media stuff is located. Beside it should be download app.

You've tried the app right?? Install it on there see if that helps.

Turned gravity way negative and hit a thick plyboard ceiling. Bro I thought it was just a big joke.

A tuba enemy. When you suck it's juice it makes lovely tuba noises. Serious.

Really loving how this game is going so far, I just checked up on it and last played a couple months ago.

Keep it up, its a really unique and satisfying to play game! on on Facebook
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