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About Moodle Certified Partners and Service ProvidersUnsure how to set up Moodle for your organisation?

Providing expertise in customisations, hosting, support, and training, Moodle Certified Partners and Service Providers can take a lead role in transitioning or upscaling your online learning platform to deliver a scalable, reliable, resilient Moodle site with enhanced security and data protection.

Moodle Certified Partners

Our global network of Moodle Certified Partners are organisations certified by our high standards in customer service and technical capability. You can be confident that you’ll get a quality Moodle learning solution with a minimum of fuss, no matter where you are in the world.

Our Moodle Premium Certified Partners are long-standing Moodle Certified Partners with a track record of success implementing Moodle-based solutions for education institutions and organisations in their region. Only Premium Certified Partners can offer Moodle Workplace, our enterprise learning management platform.

Moodle Service Providers

Moodle Service Providers are Moodle! Located in the US and India, our service companies will deliver you exceptional and flexible solutions for Moodle LMS or Moodle Workplace. They’re part of our commitment to building direct relationships with our customers and coordinating our global experience and resources.

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SupportGet Moodle hosting, LMS integration, and more.

Our Moodle Certified Partners and Service Providers can provide a wide range of support services to ensure the success of your Moodle site.
Hosting Image


Get secure and scalable hosting solutions, installation, configuration, backups, and more.

Integration Image


Connect all your applications for a full view of your customers.

Custom Themes & Features Image

Custom Themes & Features

Get a custom solution with a range of themes and features to choose from.

Implementation and Support Image

Implementation and Support

Get full support for the implementation of secure on-site or hosted solutions.

Consulting Image


Get expert advice on Moodle-based online learning solutions.

Reporting and Analytics Image

Reporting and Analytics

Get a deeper understanding of Moodle’s reporting capabilities and how to leverage insights.

Course Design Image

Course Design

Get assistance in creating high quality, engaging learning content.

Training Image


Onboard staff with training designed around the unique needs of administrators, course creators, educators, L&D professionals and teachers.

Expand your platform with a vetted integrationCertified Integration Partners

Looking for a tool to extend Moodle’s functionality? Moodle’s Certified Integration Partners provide powerful and trustworthy add-ons that will extend your online learning ecosystem. They’re vetted by Moodle to meet exacting technical standards, security requirements and fit real-world needs.
Empowering educators to improve our world.Empowering educators to improve our world.Empowering educators to improve our world.

Ready to go?

Get Moodle up and running via a Moodle Certified Partner or Service Provider, MoodleCloud, or direct download.

Need advice?

Not sure which Moodle setup is right for you? Answer a few quick questions to find out which method is best suited to your needs.
Find out which Moodle setup is right for you
Are you in education or workplace learning?
We recommend Moodle Workplace for Corporate Learning.
Technical Expertise
Do you have the technical expertise to set up your own Moodle instance?
Direct Download
We recommend you download the latest version of Moodle below.
Do you need support with implementing your Moodle solution?
Certified Service Provider
We recommend speaking to our Certified Service Providers.
We recommend signing up for MoodleCloud via the link below.

