Welcome to Mon Wiktionary, a collaborative project to produce a free-content multilingual dictionary in Mon Language. Learnhow to start a page, experiment in thesandbox and and visit ourCommunity Portal to see how you can participate in the development of Mon Wiktionary. This Wiktionary usesUnicode standard. (Warning: In the past, the Mon Vocabulary was very advanced, but today most Mon words are obsolete because they are rarely used by many people. If you are an expert on Mon words, you are invited to contribute to the Mon edition of Wiktionary. If you are not an expert on Mon words, please copy them from somewhere else and do not use them in Mon Wiktionary. At Mon Wiktionary, we have a great aim to preserve the Mon language and literature). (Currently,Intobesa is the sole moderator of Mon Wiktionary, so can ask for Mon Wiktionary needs inuser talk Intobesa).