Performing non-negative matrix factorization solving argmin_(A >= 0, S >= 0) 1 / 2 ||Y - AS||_2^2 + lambda ||S||_1
The maximum number of linearly independent column/row vectors in the matrix.(Object ={}
Options of ngmca factorization method.Name | Description |
options.maximumIterationNumber (default500 ) | Maximum number of iterations. |
options.maxFBIterationNumber (default80 ) | Maximum number of iterations of the Forward-Backward subroutine. |
options.randGeneratorObject (defaultMath.random ) | Random number generator for the subroutine of initialization. |
options.maxInitFBIterationNumber (default50 ) | Maximum number of iterations of the Forward-Backward subroutine at the initialization. |
options.toleranceFBNumber (default1e-5 ) | relative difference tolerance for convergence of the Forward-Backward sub-iterations. |
options.toleranceFBInitNumber (default0 ) | relative difference tolerance for convergence of the Forward-Backward sub-iterations at the initialization. |
options.phaseRatioNumber (default0.8 ) | transition between decreasing thresholding phase and refinement phase in percent of the iterations. |
options.tauMADNumber (default1 ) | constant coefficient for the final threshold computation. |
options.useTransposeBoolean (defaultfalse ) | if true the originalMatrix is transposed. |