


Arcanists Preview

Arcanists Preview

A downloadable game

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So when the king came down from the mountain, bat-like wings blotting out the sun, silver scales harder than steel, a roar that shook avalanches from the mountaintops, and a blizzard pouring from his mouth, Okra was not afraid.

Okra had arcanists on their side.

Arcanists is a setting-agnostic fantasy game about talented spellcasters who go into a world where magic is wild and dangerous and use their own wild and dangerous gifts to solve problems no one else can. It is primarily a game of investigation and community service with support for creative combat. Gameplay follows a seasonal or episodic structure that focuses on the most significant missions of an arcanist's adventure.

This preview includes the basic rules for playingArcanists,the structure for running missions, multiple creatures to use in your games, pre-generated characters, and a mission for beginning arcanists. Purchase this Preview at the Early Supporter level or higher to get early access to the fullArcanistsrules in their current form (rough but detailed) including character creation, liberated spellcasting rules, rules for leveling up, additional monsters, and  more!

The first 100 people to play a game and complete theArcanists Playtest Feedback form will be credited as playtesters inArcanists' future release.

For updates onArcanistsand other games by Mitchell Daily, you can join the Mitchell Daily Discordhere or follow@mitchelldaily on Twitter.

*Early Access rewards are not currently automated. It may take 12-36 hours for them to be delivered. A link to the rewards will be emailed.*


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Arcanists Preview54 MB

Early Access

Support this game at or above a special price point to receive something exclusive.

Early Supporter

Get access to the working document for the fullArcanistsrulebook, including full arcanist creation, rules for advancement, expanded spell casting rules, additional equipment options, and more!

You will also get access to the initial release of Arcanists.There is no timeline for completion at this time, but you'll be able to see  how far along it is with access to the frequently updated working document.

At least the first 100 Early Supporters will be credited as Early Supporters in Arcanists' future release.

Get for $10.00100 remaining

Academy Tester

Get access to everything provided to Early Supporters, and also join me for character creation and a mission in Arcanists along with others who purchase theArcanists Previewat this level.Character creation/session 0 will likely be a single 1-2 hour long session and the mission will probably take somewhere between 4-6 hours, broken up into 2-4 sessions. As the game is still in playtesting, average times for missions have yet to be established.

Everyone who purchases the preview at this level will be credited as an Academy Tester in Arcanists'future release.

Anyone who accesses this reward will be expected to treat everyone at the table with dignity and kindness. Safety tools will be in place, including the X-Card, lines, and veils, and we will use these and a session 0 (in the same session as character creation) to help create a safe gaming environment. Access to this reward may be revoked for any behavior that jeopardizes a safe, fun experience for everyone.

Get for $30.009 remaining

Weaver's Table

Get everything Early Supporters and Academy Testers get, except the game I run will be for you and three of your friends!

You will be credited as part of the Weaver's Table inArcanists'future release.

Get for $80.001 remaining

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