AIStor is the most advanced version of MinIO’s object store. It is designed for the exascale data
infrastructure challenges presented by modern AI workloads.AIStor's minimum requirements.
kubectl apply -k
kubectl -n aistor port-forward svc/aistor 8444
Kubernetes port-forwarding temporary exposes a service on your host machine. You can permanently expose the service using Kubernetes networking resources like Ingress or Load Balancers.
Don't have your license key?Log in to SUBNET and click the "License" button on the top right of your SUBNET Dashboard.
Don't have an account?Click here to sign up.
AIStor Custom is for advanced and OEM customers who would like custom builds with specific AIStor components. The use of any AIStor component requires a commercial license. License keys can be found in yourSUBNET account under the "License" button at the top right of your SUBNET Dashboard. If you need a license key,connect with us here.
A set of client libraries that enable developers to integrate the MinIO object store into applications. Please select your programming language below.
<dependency> <groupId>io.minio</groupId> <artifactId>minio</artifactId> <version>8.4.3</version></dependency>
implementation 'io.minio:minio:8.4.3'
go get
npm install --save minio
pip install minio
Install-Package Minio
stack install minio-hs
vcpkg install minio-cpp
cargo add minio