The very first cold start happens when the very first request comes in after deployment.After that request is processed, the instance stays alive for the time being to be reused for subsequent requests.
The following chart shows the typical range of cold starts in Google Cloud Functions, broken down per language. The darker ranges are the most common 67% of durations, and lighter ranges include 95%.
Google Cloud Functions have a setting to define the memory size that gets allocated to a single instance of a function. The CPU resources are allocated proportionally to the memory.
Google Cloud Run is the latest addition to the serverless compute family. While it may look similar to existing services of public cloud, the feature set makes Cloud Run unique.
We use a lot of web crawling to get data from third-party websites. Some crawling is not as easy as just a simple GET request, so we have to send specific POST data, cookies and HTTP headers. And all this needs to be debugged. Fiddler2 is the gold standard for web debugging tools, so I'd like to use it in this case too.
My initial goal was to make our new application (based on python/AppEngine) translatable. All strings in the application must be translatable. Translations should preferably stored in separate files. It should be easy to use the translations both in .py files and html templates.