


Black Flag

A downloadable game for Windows and macOS


Black Flag is a third person pirate game. Times are tough and the old captain's pension has been cut. He needs $ 25,000 to build himself a nice home on the Island visible in the Main Menu. Money can be "obtained" by sinking other ships and collecting their debris or by collecting floating debris scatered in the ocean.

Your first ship only has a front facing cannon, which is absolutely useless (I've managed 1 successful shot). Luckely you can quickly upgrade to the far superior ship with 8 cannons; 4 on the port side and 4 on the starboard side. Other ships can be sunken by shooting them or by ramming them.


  • Accelerate using W (tap)
  • Slow down using S (tap)
  • Steer using A & D
  • Look around using the mouse
  • Press C to center camera
  • Fire left using 1, forward using 2 and right using 3
  • Upgrade at a harbor by sailing close to the boat dock
  • Collect floating collectables by clicking on them or by sailing into them
  • All of the white text is clickable, all of the black text is not


With the first slider you can change the field of view of the camera in pirate land and with second slider you can alter speed with which the camera moves around the ship. The intended usage of the sound slider is hopefully quite obvious. At the start of the game you can name your ship (or not for some funny names from me), using the change name button you can alter the name later on. There is also a reset button incase you feel like starting all over. My preferred setup is the fov to the right and mouse sensitivity one position to the left from the default setting.

Total development time: 55 hours


Black Flag (64-bits) v1.0.zip43 MB
Black Flag (Mac) v1.0.zip45 MB

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