


Mighty CheBo

I am Ché Wilbraham: game designer, ludic illustrator, games academic.

Contact me here:mightychebo [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk

A poem for Toby. Made in Twine.
Play in browser
There was a disaster. There will be a disaster. Care for your land. Care for yourself.
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A Talky RPG featuring versatile, rewarding and engaging social “combat”.
Role Playing
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You find yourself in a mysterious factory where you must strive to fulfil your own goals whilst trying to survive.
Role Playing
A ludic illustration of a couple living with the effects of illnesses.
A strategic polyamorous love quest.
Role Playing
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The player takes the role of the Hero, out to rescue the Girl from the Evil Wizard.
Role Playing
Trade resources, roam the world and try to end on a high.
Multiple beginnings but one ending. A small branching narrative about three women.
Role Playing
A very short ludic illustration of living with depression. ·Community profile

