


Marble Marcher: Community Edition

Marble Marcher: Community Edition

A downloadable game for Windows

About MMCE

This is the community edition of Marble Marcher, a procedurally rendered fractal physics marble game in which you must get to the flag in each level as fast as you can. There are 30 levels in this version and many more you can create or download, along with a rudimentary level editor.  Marble Marcher also has an active speedrunning community.  MMCE is in a constant state of development and new features are being added all the time, you can help improve the game by contributing to theGitHub repository.
Just as the originalMarble Marcher the game is particularly GPU heavy, but nonetheless it is optimized to run about 100% to 200% faster with the same resolution and also has customisable graphics settings.


Compared to the original in the current version of MMCE the following features have been added:

  • New flexible graphics engine which heavily uses compute shaders and allows writing custom shaderpacks.
  • Redesigned animated interface. A modular interface was build to allow adding new menus in the future.
  • Custom level support with a rudimentary level/fractal editor 
  • Rudimentary controller support and configurable keyboard controls
  • Basic recording/replay functionality
  • You can take high resolution screenshots, up to 10K
  • Multiple localisations with Unicode support (translation work still in process)
  • And dozens of smaller features


Discord community

GitHub repository

Older versions

Graphics settings

There are multiple shader configurations in the settings menu.

main.cfg -  default shader configuration, normal rendering with PBR materials and simple ray marched AO, use this while playing. Also uses TXAA and supports DOF.

PTGI.cfg - path traced global illumination, trying to simulate light propagation in the fractal scene. It is graphically unstable and requires time for the light samples to converge so it is not recommended to use it while playing, use it mainly to make screenshots. Uses TXAA, supports DOF.

original.cfg - The original Marble Marcher shading, except the AO.

simple.cfg - The simplest working shader, use if your computer is a potato.

neon.cfg - Makes fractals look like they are glowing clouds.

noise_test.cfg - An example of noise and a simplest shader pipeline, mainly useful for development purposes.

The screenshot resolution and rendering resolutions are separate, so you can, for example, play in 720p and take screenshots in 4K. There is also the screenshot samples parameter, the more you use the better the screenshot will look(if the shader uses temporal denoise).


MegaLevelPack.rar21 kB
PurePathTracing.zip212 kB
MMCEwin64_1.4.6.zip51 MB

Install instructions

Unpack the archive and play. If the game does not start please update your graphics drivers.·View all by MichaelMoroz·Report·Embed

