


Long live Tony!

Long live Tony!

Fish are adorable and deserve the best through their life!

That's why inLong live Tony! you take care of your fish to make them the happiest possible before the inevitable end of their life .

Feed them, wash them, play with them, keep them happy, but be careful! Your fish needs a lot of attention, neglecting them is not an option.

And to better your chances, there may be a way to gain a little bit of cash selling some old stuff lying around to purchase better tools and take care of a lot more fish even more demanding!

How  to play:

Use your mouse's cursor and left click to interact with the game. Earn the most amount of money after each run and take care of as many fish as you can!

Take the time to name your fish! Form a special bond with them, forever and ever.

The circular bars on the left will deplete over time based on different factors:

  • The moral circle will decrease if other circles are orange or red and will increase if all of them are green (except for the life circle).
  • The food circle decreases over time and increases when feeding the fish.
  • The hygiene circle will decrease based on the amount of smudge on the fish tank and will increase when they get cleaned.
  • The entertainment circle decreases over time and increases when entertaining the fish.
  • The life circle decreases over time and there is nothing you can do about that, it's inevitable.

If any of the circle bars decreases to 0, the run ends. The run is considered failed if the first circle bar to get to zero isn't the fish's life which will make you earn less money.

The icons at the bottom are the tools that allow you to take care of your fish:

  • The shop gives you access to upgrades for the other tools, making them more effective. Upgrades get carried on next runs.
  • The food box allows you to feed your fish by clicking over the fish tank.
  • The Sponge allows you to clean the fish tank by moving back and forth over the smudges.
  • The Hula hoop allows you to entertain your fish.

Different fish have different stats, the pricier they get, the harder it is to keep the circle bars up. They also live longer and give more reward at the end of the run.

Also, please, don't tap on the glass. The fish doesn't like it.


Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

Sound FX from Zapsplat.


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I really enjoyed this game! I like how simple it is as well as the "easy" gameplay which gets harder simply by having the fishes die faster. If I were to give any feedback, I'd suggest making unlocking fish permanent although in my playthrough I made bank very quickly...

I really liked the funny inclusion of the tapping on glass - However I really enjoy abusing features and found that it was actually a really fast way of ending your run and just getting money very quickly... Sorry Tony

Either way - Awesome game! Great work!

Very glad you had fun playing the game !
Fish price should be in line with the money you get from them, taking good care of the second or last fish will almost always make you more money than what they are worth :)
But, yes, it's easy to exploit the first little Tony :(
It's part of the experience where taking care of your fish become less and less important and the new goal progressively become making more money!·View all by Metal Bread·Report·Embed

