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perlivp - Perl Installation Verification Procedure


perlivp [-p] [-v] [-h]


Theperlivp program is set up at Perl source code build time to test the Perl version it was built under. It can be used after running:

make install

(or your platform's equivalent procedure) to verify thatperl and its libraries have been installed correctly. A correct installation is verified by output that looks like:

ok 1ok 2



-h help

Prints out a brief help message.

-p print preface

Gives a description of each test prior to performing it.

-v verbose

Gives more detailed information about each test, after it has been performed. Note that any failed tests ought to print out some extra information whether or not -v is thrown.


  • print "# Perl binary '$perlpath' does not appear executable.\n";

    Likely to occur for a perl binary that was not properly installed. Correct by conducting a proper installation.

  • print "# Perl version '$]' installed, expected $ivp_VERSION.\n";

    Likely to occur for a perl that was not properly installed. Correct by conducting a proper installation.

  • print "# Perl \@INC directory '$_' does not appear to exist.\n";

    Likely to occur for a perl library tree that was not properly installed. Correct by conducting a proper installation.

  • print "# Needed module '$_' does not appear to be properly installed.\n";

    One of the two modules that is used by perlivp was not present in the installation. This is a serious error since it adversely affects perlivp's ability to function. You may be able to correct this by performing a proper perl installation.

  • print "# Required module '$_' does not appear to be properly installed.\n";

    An attempt toeval "require $module" failed, even though the list of extensions indicated that it should succeed. Correct by conducting a proper installation.

  • print "# Unnecessary module 'bLuRfle' appears to be installed.\n";

    This test not coming out ok could indicate that you have in fact installed a module or that theeval " require \"$\"; " test may give misleading results with your installation of perl. If yours is the latter case then please let the author know.

  • print "# file",+($#missing == 0) ? '' : 's'," missing from installation:\n";

    One or more files turned up missing according to a run ofExtUtils::Installed -> validate() over your installation. Correct by conducting a proper installation.

For further information on how to conduct a proper installation consult the INSTALL file that comes with the perl source and the README file for your platform.


Peter Prymmer

Module Install Instructions

To install less, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.


cpanm less

CPAN shell

perl -MCPAN -e shellinstall less

For more information on module installation, please visitthe detailed CPAN module installation guide.

Keyboard Shortcuts

sFocus search bar
?Bring up this help dialog
gpGo to pull requests
gigo to github issues (only if github is preferred repository)
gaGo to author
gcGo to changes
giGo to issues
gdGo to dist
grGo to repository/SCM
gsGo to source
gbGo to file browse
Search terms
module: (e.g.module:Plugin)
distribution: (e.g.distribution:Dancer auth)
author: ( Redis)
version: (e.g.version:1.00)

