Type::Utils - utility functions to make defining and using type constraints a little easier
package Types::Mine;use Type::Library -base;use Type::Utils -all;BEGIN { extends "Types::Standard" };declare "AllCaps", as "Str", where { uc($_) eq $_ }, inline_as { my $varname = $_[1]; "uc($varname) eq $varname" };coerce "AllCaps", from "Str", via { uc($_) };
This module is covered by theType-Tiny stability policy.
This module provides utility functions to make defining and using type constraints a little easier.
Type declaration functions
Many of the following are similar to the similarly named functions described inMoose::Util::TypeConstraints.
declare $name, %options
declare %options
Declare a named or anonymous type constraint. Use
to specify the parent type (if any) and (possibly) refine its definition.declare EvenInt, as Int, where { $_ % 2 == 0 };my $EvenInt = declare as Int, where { $_ % 2 == 0 };
NOTE: Named types will be automatically added to the caller's type registry. (SeeType::Registry.) If the caller package inherits fromType::Library named types will also be automatically installed into the library and made available as exports.
Hidden gem: if you're inheriting from a type constraint that includes some coercions, you can include
coercion => 1
in the%options
hash to inherit the coercions.subtype $name, %options
subtype %options
Declare a named or anonymous type constraint which is descended from an existing type constraint. Use
to specify the parent type and refine its definition.Actually, you should use
instead; this is just an alias.This function is not exported by default.
type $name, %options
type %options
Declare a named or anonymous type constraint which is not descended from an existing type constraint. Use
to provide a coderef that constrains values.Actually, you should use
instead; this is just an alias.This function is not exported by default.
as $parent
Used with
to specify a parent type constraint:declare EvenInt, as Int, where { $_ % 2 == 0 };
where { BLOCK }
Used with
to provide the constraint coderef:declare EvenInt, as Int, where { $_ % 2 == 0 };
The coderef operates on
, which is the value being tested.message { BLOCK }
Generate a custom error message when a value fails validation.
declare EvenInt, as Int, where { $_ % 2 == 0 }, message { Int->validate($_) or "$_ is not divisible by two"; };
Without a custom message, the messages generated by Type::Tiny are along the lines ofValue "33" did not pass type constraint "EvenInt", which is usually reasonable.
inline_as { BLOCK }
Generate a string of Perl code that can be used to inline the type check into other functions. If your type check is being used within aMoose orMoo constructor or accessor methods, or used byType::Params, this can lead to significant performance improvements.
declare EvenInt, as Int, where { $_ % 2 == 0 }, inline_as { my ($constraint, $varname) = @_; my $perlcode = $constraint->parent->inline_check($varname) . "&& ($varname % 2 == 0)"; return $perlcode; };warn EvenInt->inline_check('$xxx'); # demonstration
block can return a list, in which case these will be smushed together with "&&". The first item on the list may be undef, in which case the undef will be replaced by the inlined parent type constraint. (And will throw an exception if there is no parent.)declare EvenInt, as Int, where { $_ % 2 == 0 }, inline_as { return (undef, "($_ % 2 == 0)"); };
class_type $name, { class => $package, %options }
class_type { class => $package, %options }
class_type $name
Shortcut for declaring aType::Tiny::Class type constraint.
is omitted, is assumed to be the same as$name
. If$name
contains "::" (which would be an invalid name as far asType::Tiny is concerned), this will be removed.So for example,
declares aType::Tiny::Class type constraint named "FooBar" which constrains values to objects blessed into the "Foo::Bar" package.role_type $name, { role => $package, %options }
role_type { role => $package, %options }
role_type $name
Shortcut for declaring aType::Tiny::Role type constraint.
is omitted, is assumed to be the same as$name
. If$name
contains "::" (which would be an invalid name as far asType::Tiny is concerned), this will be removed.duck_type $name, \@methods
duck_type \@methods
Shortcut for declaring aType::Tiny::Duck type constraint.
union $name, \@constraints
union \@constraints
Shortcut for declaring aType::Tiny::Union type constraint.
enum $name, \@values
enum \@values
Shortcut for declaring aType::Tiny::Enum type constraint.
intersection $name, \@constraints
intersection \@constraints
Shortcut for declaring aType::Tiny::Intersection type constraint.
Coercion declaration functions
Many of the following are similar to the similarly named functions described inMoose::Util::TypeConstraints.
coerce $target, @coercions
Add coercions to the target type constraint. The list of coercions is a list of type constraint, conversion code pairs. Conversion code can be either a string of Perl code or a coderef; in either case the value to be converted is
.from $source
Sugar to specify a type constraint in a list of coercions:
coerce EvenInt, from Int, via { $_ * 2 }; # As a coderef...coerce EvenInt, from Int, q { $_ * 2 }; # or as a string!
via { BLOCK }
Sugar to specify a coderef in a list of coercions.
declare_coercion $name, \%opts, $type1, $code1, ...
declare_coercion \%opts, $type1, $code1, ...
Declares a coercion that is not explicitly attached to any type in the library. For example:
declare_coercion "ArrayRefFromAny", from "Any", via { [$_] };
This coercion will be exportable from the library as aType::Coercion object, but the ArrayRef type exported by the library won't automatically use it.
Coercions declared this way are immutable (frozen).
to_type $type
Used with
to declare the target type constraint for a coercion, but still without explicitly attaching the coercion to the type constraint:declare_coercion "ArrayRefFromAny", to_type "ArrayRef", from "Any", via { [$_] };
You should pretty much always use this when declaring an unattached coercion because it's exceedingly useful for a type coercion to know what it will coerce to - this allows it to skip coercion when no coercion is needed (e.g. avoiding coercing
to[ [] ]
) and allowsassert_coerce
to work properly.
Type library management
extends @libraries
Indicates that this type library extends other type libraries, importing their type constraints.
Should usually be executed in a
block.This is not exported by default because it's not fun to export it to Moo, Moose or Mouse classes!
use Type::Utils -all
can be used to import it into your type library.
match_on_type $value => ($type => \&action, ..., \&default?)
Something like a
construct. Dispatches along different code paths depending on the type of the incoming value. Example blatantly stolen from the Moose documentation:sub to_json{ my $value = shift; return match_on_type $value => ( HashRef() => sub { my $hash = shift; '{ ' . ( join ", " => map { '"' . $_ . '" : ' . to_json( $hash->{$_} ) } sort keys %$hash ) . ' }'; }, ArrayRef() => sub { my $array = shift; '[ '.( join ", " => map { to_json($_) } @$array ).' ]'; }, Num() => q {$_}, Str() => q { '"' . $_ . '"' }, Undef() => q {'null'}, => sub { die "$_ is not acceptable json type" }, );}
Note that unlike Moose, code can be specified as a string instead of a coderef. (e.g. for
above.)For improved performance, try
.This function is not exported by default.
my $coderef = compile_match_on_type($type => \&action, ..., \&default?)
Compile a
block into a coderef. The following JSON converter is about two orders of magnitude faster than the previous example:sub to_json;*to_json = compile_match_on_type( HashRef() => sub { my $hash = shift; '{ ' . ( join ", " => map { '"' . $_ . '" : ' . to_json( $hash->{$_} ) } sort keys %$hash ) . ' }'; }, ArrayRef() => sub { my $array = shift; '[ '.( join ", " => map { to_json($_) } @$array ).' ]'; }, Num() => q {$_}, Str() => q { '"' . $_ . '"' }, Undef() => q {'null'}, => sub { die "$_ is not acceptable json type" },);
Remember to store the coderef somewhere fairly permanent so that you don't compile it over and over.
variables (in Perl >= 5.10) are good for this. (Same sort of idea asType::Params.)This function is not exported by default.
my $coderef = classifier(@types)
Returns a coderef that can be used to classify values according to their type constraint. The coderef, when passed a value, returns a type constraint which the value satisfies.
use feature qw( say );use Type::Utils qw( classifier );use Types::Standard qw( Int Num Str Any );my $classifier = classifier(Str, Int, Num, Any);say $classifier->( "42" )->name; # Intsay $classifier->( "4.2" )->name; # Numsay $classifier->( [] )->name; # Any
Note that, for example, "42" satisfies Int, but it would satisfy the type constraints Num, Str, and Any as well. In this case, the classifier has picked the most specific type constraint that "42" satisfies.
If no type constraint is satisfied by the value, then the classifier will return undef.
dwim_type($string, %options)
Given a string like "ArrayRef[Int|CodeRef]", turns it into a type constraint object, hopefully doing what you mean.
It uses the syntax ofType::Parser. Firstly theType::Registry for the caller package is consulted; if that doesn't have a match,Types::Standard is consulted for standard type constraint names.
If none of the above yields a type constraint, and the caller class is a Moose-based class, then
attempts to look the type constraint up in the Moose type registry. If it's a Mouse-based class, then the Mouse type registry is used instead.If no type constraint can be found via these normal methods, several fallbacks are available:
Lookup in Moose registry even if caller is non-Moose class.
Lookup in Mouse registry even if caller is non-Mouse class.
Create a new Type::Tiny::Class constraint.
Create a new Type::Tiny::Role constraint.
You can alter which should be attempted, and in which order, by passing an option to
:my $type = Type::Utils::dwim_type( "ArrayRef[Int]", fallback => [ "lookup_via_mouse" , "make_role_type" ],);
For historical reasons, by default the fallbacks attempted are:
lookup_via_moose, lookup_via_mouse, make_class_type
You may set
to an empty arrayref to avoid using any of these fallbacks.You can specify an alternative for the caller using the
for $type = dwim_type("ArrayRef", for => "Moose::Object");
While it's probably better overall to use the properType::Registry interface for resolving type constraint strings, this function often does what you want.
It should never die if it fails to find a type constraint (but may die if the type constraint string is syntactically malformed), preferring to return undef.
This function is not exported by default.
is($type, $value)
Shortcut for
but also if $type is a string, will look it up viadwim_type
.This function is not exported by default. This function is not even exported by
use Type::Utils -all
. You must request it explicitly.use Type::Utils "is";
Beware using this in test scripts because it has the same name as a function exported byTest::More. Note that you can rename this function if
will cause conflicts:use Type::Utils "is" => { -as => "isntnt" };
assert($type, $value)
but instead of returning a boolean, returns$value
and dies if the value fails the type check.This function is not exported by default, but it is exported by
use Type::Utils -all
.english_list(\$conjunction, @items)
Joins the items with commas, placing a conjunction before the final item. The conjunction is optional, defaulting to "and".
english_list(qw/foo bar baz/); # "foo, bar, and baz"english_list(\"or", qw/quux quuux/); # "quux or quuux"
This function is not exported by default.
By default, all of the functions documented above are exported, exceptsubtype
, andenglish_list
This module usesExporter::Tiny; see the documentation of that module for tips and tricks importing from Type::Utils.
Please report any bugs to
Toby Inkster <>.
This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014, 2017-2024 by Toby Inkster.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
Module Install Instructions
To install Type::Tiny, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.
cpanm Type::Tiny
perl -MCPAN -e shellinstall Type::Tiny
For more information on module installation, please visitthe detailed CPAN module installation guide.