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Opcode - Disable named opcodes when compiling perl code


use Opcode;


Perl code is always compiled into an internal format before execution.

Evaluating perl code (e.g. via "eval" or "do 'file'") causes the code to be compiled into an internal format and then, provided there was no error in the compilation, executed. The internal format is based on many distinctopcodes.

By default no opmask is in effect and any code can be compiled.

The Opcode module allow you to define anoperator mask to be in effect when perlnext compiles any code. Attempting to compile code which contains a masked opcode will cause the compilation to fail with an error. The code will not be executed.


The Opcode module is not usually used directly. See the ops pragma and Safe modules for more typical uses.


The Opcode module does not implement an effective sandbox for evaluating untrusted code with the perl interpreter.

Bugs in the perl interpreter that could be abused to bypass Opcode restrictions are not treated as vulnerabilities. Seeperlsecpolicy for additional information.

The authors makeno warranty, implied or otherwise, about the suitability of this software for safety or security purposes.

The authors shall not in any case be liable for special, incidental, consequential, indirect or other similar damages arising from the use of this software.

Your mileage will vary. If in any doubtdo not use it.

Operator Names and Operator Lists

The canonical list of operator names is the contents of the array PL_op_name defined and initialised in fileopcode.h of the Perl source distribution (and installed into the perl library).

Each operator has both a terse name (its opname) and a more verbose or recognisable descriptive name. The opdesc function can be used to return a list of descriptions for a list of operators.

Many of the functions and methods listed below take a list of operators as parameters. Most operator lists can be made up of several types of element. Each element can be one of

an operator name (opname)

Operator names are typically small lowercase words like enterloop, leaveloop, last, next, redo etc. Sometimes they are rather cryptic like gv2cv, i_ncmp and ftsvtx.

an operator tag name (optag)

Operator tags can be used to refer to groups (or sets) of operators. Tag names always begin with a colon. The Opcode module defines several optags and the user can define others using the define_optag function.

a negated opname or optag

An opname or optag can be prefixed with an exclamation mark, e.g., !mkdir. Negating an opname or optag means remove the corresponding ops from the accumulated set of ops at that point.

an operator set (opset)

Anopset as a binary string of approximately 44 bytes which holds a set or zero or more operators.

The opset and opset_to_ops functions can be used to convert from a list of operators to an opset andvice versa.

Wherever a list of operators can be given you can use one or more opsets. See also Manipulating Opsets below.

Opcode Functions

The Opcode package contains functions for manipulating operator names tags and sets. All are available for export by the package.


In a scalar context opcodes returns the number of opcodes in this version of perl (around 350 for perl-5.7.0).

In a list context it returns a list of all the operator names. (Not yet implemented, use @names = opset_to_ops(full_opset).)

opset (OP, ...)

Returns an opset containing the listed operators.

opset_to_ops (OPSET)

Returns a list of operator names corresponding to those operators in the set.

opset_to_hex (OPSET)

Returns a string representation of an opset. Can be handy for debugging.


Returns an opset which includes all operators.


Returns an opset which contains no operators.

invert_opset (OPSET)

Returns an opset which is the inverse set of the one supplied.

verify_opset (OPSET, ...)

Returns true if the supplied opset looks like a valid opset (is the right length etc) otherwise it returns false. If an optional second parameter is true then verify_opset will croak on an invalid opset instead of returning false.

Most of the other Opcode functions call verify_opset automatically and will croak if given an invalid opset.

define_optag (OPTAG, OPSET)

Define OPTAG as a symbolic name for OPSET. Optag names always start with a colon:.

The optag name used must not be defined already (define_optag will croak if it is already defined). Optag names are global to the perl process and optag definitions cannot be altered or deleted once defined.

It is strongly recommended that applications using Opcode should use a leading capital letter on their tag names since lowercase names are reserved for use by the Opcode module. If using Opcode within a module you should prefix your tags names with the name of your module to ensure uniqueness and thus avoid clashes with other modules.

opmask_add (OPSET)

Adds the supplied opset to the current opmask. Note that there is currentlyno mechanism for unmasking ops once they have been masked. This is intentional.


Returns an opset corresponding to the current opmask.

opdesc (OP, ...)

This takes a list of operator names and returns the corresponding list of operator descriptions.

opdump (PAT)

Dumps to STDOUT a two column list of op names and op descriptions. If an optional pattern is given then only lines which match the (case insensitive) pattern will be output.

It's designed to be used as a handy command line utility:

perl -MOpcode=opdump -e opdumpperl -MOpcode=opdump -e 'opdump Eval'

Manipulating Opsets

Opsets may be manipulated using the perl bit vector operators & (and), | (or), ^ (xor) and ~ (negate/invert).

However you should never rely on the numerical position of any opcode within the opset. In other words both sides of a bit vector operator should be opsets returned from Opcode functions.

Also, since the number of opcodes in your current version of perl might not be an exact multiple of eight, there may be unused bits in the last byte of an upset. This should not cause any problems (Opcode functions ignore those extra bits) but it does mean that using the ~ operator will typically not produce the same 'physical' opset 'string' as the invert_opset function.

TO DO (maybe)

    $bool = opset_eq($opset1, $opset2)true if opsets are logicallyequivalent    $yes = opset_can($opset, @ops)true if $opset has all @ops set    @diff = opset_diff($opset1, $opset2) => ('foo', '!bar', ...)

Predefined Opcode Tags

    null stub scalar pushmark wantarray const defined undef    rv2sv sassign padsv_store    rv2av aassign aelem aelemfast aelemfast_lex aslice kvaslice    av2arylen aelemfastlex_store    rv2hv helem hslice kvhslice each values keys exists delete    aeach akeys avalues multideref argelem argdefelem argcheck    preinc i_preinc predec i_predec postinc i_postinc    postdec i_postdec int hex oct abs pow multiply i_multiply    divide i_divide modulo i_modulo add i_add subtract i_subtract    left_shift right_shift bit_and bit_xor bit_or nbit_and    nbit_xor nbit_or sbit_and sbit_xor sbit_or negate i_negate not    complement ncomplement scomplement    lt i_lt gt i_gt le i_le ge i_ge eq i_eq ne i_ne ncmp i_ncmp    slt sgt sle sge seq sne scmp    isa    substr vec stringify study pos length index rindex ord chr    ucfirst lcfirst uc lc fc quotemeta trans transr chop schop    chomp schomp    match split qr    list lslice splice push pop shift unshift reverse    cond_expr flip flop andassign orassign dorassign and or dor xor    helemexistsor    warn die lineseq nextstate scope enter leave    rv2cv anoncode prototype coreargs avhvswitch anonconst    emptyavhv    entersub leavesub leavesublv return method method_named    method_super method_redir method_redir_super     -- XXX loops via recursion?    cmpchain_and cmpchain_dup    is_bool    is_weak weaken unweaken    leaveeval -- needed for Safe to operate, is safe without entereval    methstart initfield

These memory related ops are not included in :base_core because they can easily be used to implement a resource attack (e.g., consume all available memory).

concat multiconcat repeat join rangeanonlist anonhash

Note that despite the existence of this optag a memory resource attack may still be possible using only :base_core ops.

Disabling these ops is avery heavy handed way to attempt to prevent a memory resource attack. It's probable that a specific memory limit mechanism will be added to perl in the near future.


These loop ops are not included in :base_core because they can easily be used to implement a resource attack (e.g., consume all available CPU time).

grepstart grepwhilemapstart mapwhileenteriter iterenterloop leaveloop unstacklast next redogoto

These ops enablefilehandle (rather than filename) based input and output. These are safe on the assumption that only pre-existing filehandles are available for use. Usually, to create new filehandles other ops such as open would need to be enabled, if you don't take into account the magical open of ARGV.

readline rcatline getc readformline enterwrite leavewriteprint say sysread syswrite send recveof tell seek sysseekreaddir telldir seekdir rewinddir

These are a hotchpotch of opcodes still waiting to be considered

    gvsv gv gelem    padsv padav padhv padcv padany padrange introcv clonecv    once    rv2gv refgen srefgen ref refassign lvref lvrefslice lvavref    blessed refaddr reftype    bless -- could be used to change ownership of objects     (reblessing)     regcmaybe regcreset regcomp subst substcont    sprintf prtf -- can core dump    crypt    tie untie    dbmopen dbmclose    sselect select    pipe_op sockpair    getppid getpgrp setpgrp getpriority setpriority    localtime gmtime    entertry leavetry -- can be used to 'hide' fatal errors    entertrycatch poptry catch leavetrycatch -- similar    entergiven leavegiven    enterwhen leavewhen    break continue    smartmatch    pushdefer    custom -- where should this go    ceil floor    is_tainted

These ops are not included in :base_core because of the risk of them being used to generate floating point exceptions (which would have to be caught using a $SIG{FPE} handler).

atan2 sin cos exp log sqrt

These ops are not included in :base_core because they have an effect beyond the scope of the compartment.

rand srand

These ops are related to multi-threading.


A handy tag name for areasonable default set of ops. (The current ops allowed are unstable while development continues. It will change.)

:base_core :base_mem :base_loop :base_orig :base_thread

This list used to contain :base_io prior to Opcode 1.07.

If safety matters to you (and why else would you be using the Opcode module?) then you should not rely on the definition of this, or indeed any other, optag!

stat lstat readlinkftatime ftblk ftchr ftctime ftdir fteexec fteownedfteread ftewrite ftfile ftis ftlink ftmtime ftpipeftrexec ftrowned ftrread ftsgid ftsize ftsock ftsuidfttty ftzero ftrwrite ftsvtxfttext ftbinaryfileno
ghbyname ghbyaddr ghostent shostent ehostent      -- hostsgnbyname gnbyaddr gnetent snetent enetent         -- networksgpbyname gpbynumber gprotoent sprotoent eprotoent -- protocolsgsbyname gsbyport gservent sservent eservent      -- servicesgpwnam gpwuid gpwent spwent epwent getlogin       -- usersggrnam ggrgid ggrent sgrent egrent                -- groups

A handy tag name for areasonable default set of ops beyond the :default optag. Like :default (and indeed all the other optags) its current definition is unstable while development continues. It will change.

The :browse tag represents the next step beyond :default. It is a superset of the :default ops and adds :filesys_read the :sys_db. The intent being that scripts can access more (possibly sensitive) information about your system but not be able to change it.

:default :filesys_read :sys_db
sysopen open closeumask binmodeopen_dir closedir -- other dir ops are in :base_io
    link unlink rename symlink truncate    mkdir rmdir    utime chmod chown    fcntl -- not strictly filesys related, but possibly as     dangerous?
backtick systemforkwait waitpidglob -- access to Cshell via <`rm *`>
exec exit killtime tms -- could be used for timing attacks (paranoid?)

This tag holds groups of assorted specialist opcodes that don't warrant having optags defined for them.

SystemV Interprocess Communications:

msgctl msgget msgrcv msgsndsemctl semget semopshmctl shmget shmread shmwrite

This tag holds opcodes related to loading modules and getting information about calling environment and args.

require dofile caller runcv classname
chdirflock ioctlsocket getpeername ssockoptbind connect listen accept shutdown gsockopt getsocknamesleep alarm -- changes global timer state and signal handlingsort -- assorted problems including core dumpstied -- can be used to access object implementing a tiepack unpack -- can be used to create/use memory pointershintseval -- constant op holding eval hintsentereval -- can be used to hide code from initial compileresetdbstate -- perl -d version of nextstate(ment) opcode

This tag is simply a bucket for opcodes that are unlikely to be used via a tag name but need to be tagged for completeness and documentation.

syscall dump chroot


ops -- perl pragma interface to Opcode module.

Safe -- Opcode and namespace limited execution compartments


Originally designed and implemented by Malcolm Beattie, as part of Safe version 1.

Split out from Safe module version 1, named opcode tags and other changes added by Tim Bunce.

Module Install Instructions

To install less, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.


cpanm less

CPAN shell

perl -MCPAN -e shellinstall less

For more information on module installation, please visitthe detailed CPAN module installation guide.

Keyboard Shortcuts

sFocus search bar
?Bring up this help dialog
gpGo to pull requests
gigo to github issues (only if github is preferred repository)
gaGo to author
gcGo to changes
giGo to issues
gdGo to dist
grGo to repository/SCM
gsGo to source
gbGo to file browse
Search terms
module: (e.g.module:Plugin)
distribution: (e.g.distribution:Dancer auth)
author: ( Redis)
version: (e.g.version:1.00)

