


River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent


MIME::Explode - Perl extension for explode MIME messages


  use MIME::Explode;  my $explode = MIME::Explode->new(    output_dir         => "tmp",    mkdir              => 0755,    decode_subject     => 1,    check_content_type => 1,    content_types      => ["image/gif", "image/jpeg", "image/bmp"],    types_action       => "exclude"  );  print "Number of messages: ", $explode->nmsgs, "\n";  open(MAIL, "<file.mbox") ordie("Couldn't open file.mbox for reading: $!\n");  open(OUTPUT, ">file.tmp")or die("Couldn't open file.tmp for writing: $!\n");  my $headers = $explode->parse(\*MAIL, \*OUTPUT);  close(OUTPUT);  close(MAIL);  for my $part (sort{ $a cmp $b } keys(%{$headers})) {    for my $k (keys(%{$headers->{$part}})) {      if(ref($headers->{$part}->{$k}) eq "ARRAY") {        for my $i (0 .. $#{$headers->{$part}->{$k}}) {          print "$part => $k => $i => ", $headers->{$part}->{$k}->[$i], "\n";        }      } elsif(ref($headers->{$part}->{$k}) eq "HASH") {        for my $ks (keys(%{$headers->{$part}->{$k}})) {          if(ref($headers->{$part}->{$k}->{$ks}) eq "ARRAY") {            print "$part => $k => $ks => ", join(($ks eq "charset") ? " " : "", @{$headers->{$part}->{$k}->{$ks}}), "\n";          } else {            print "$part => $k => $ks => ", $headers->{$part}->{$k}->{$ks}, "\n";          }          print "$part => $k => $ks => ", $headers->{$part}->{$k}->{$ks}, "\n";        }      } else {        print "$part => $k => ", $headers->{$part}->{$k}, "\n";      }    }  }  if(my $e = $explode->clean_all()) {    print "Error: $e\n";  }


MIME::Explode is perl module for parsing and decoding single or multipart MIME messages, and outputting its decoded components to a given directory ie, this module is designed to allows users to extract the attached files out of a MIME encoded email messages or mailboxes.


new([, OPTION ...])

This method create a new MIME::Explode object. The following keys are available:


Directory where the decoded files are placed

mkdir => octal_number

If the value is set to octal number then make the output_dir directory (example: mkdir => 0755).

check_content_type => 0 or 1

If the value is set to 1 the content-type of file is checked

decode_subject => 0 or 1

If the value is set to 1 then the subject is decoded into a list.

$header->{'0.0'}->{subject}->{value} = [ARRAYREF];$header->{'0.0'}->{subject}->{charset} = [ARRAYREF];$subject = join("", @{$header->{'0.0'}->{subject}->{value}});
exclude_types => [ARRAYREF]

Not save files with specified content types (deprecated in next versions)

content_types => [ARRAYREF]

Array reference with content types for "include" or "exclude"

types_action => "include" or "exclude"

If the action is a "include", all attached files with specified content types are saved but if the action is a "exclude", no files are saved except if its in the array of content types. If no array is specified, but the action is a "include", all attached files are saved, otherwise all files are removed if action is a "exclude". The default action is "include".


This method parse the stream and splits it into its component entities. This method return a hash reference with all parts. The FILEHANDLE should be a reference to a GLOB. The second argument is optional.


Returns the number of parsed messages.


Cleans all files from the "output_dir" directory and then removes the directory. If an error happens returns it.


Henrique Dias <>


Thanks to Rui Castro for the revision.


MIME::Tools, perl(1).

Module Install Instructions

To install MIME::Explode, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.


cpanm MIME::Explode

CPAN shell

perl -MCPAN -e shellinstall MIME::Explode

For more information on module installation, please visitthe detailed CPAN module installation guide.

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