Array::Compare - Perl extension for comparing arrays.
use Array::Compare;my $comp1 = Array::Compare->new;$comp->Sep('|');$comp->Skip({3 => 1, 4 => 1});$comp->WhiteSpace(0);$comp->Case(1);my $comp2 = Array::Compare->new(Sep => '|', WhiteSpace => 0, Case => 1, Skip => {3 => 1, 4 => 1});my @arr1 = 0 .. 10;my @arr2 = 0 .. 10;$comp1->compare(\@arr1, \@arr2);$comp2->compare(\@arr1, \@arr2);
If you have two arrays and you want to know if they are the same or different, then Array::Compare will be useful to you.
All comparisons are carried out via a comparator object. In the simplest usage, you can create and use a comparator object like this:
my @arr1 = 0 .. 10;my @arr2 = 0 .. 10;my $comp = Array::Compare->new;if ($comp->compare(\@arr1, \@arr2)) { print "Arrays are the same\n";} else { print "Arrays are different\n";}
Notice that you pass references to the two arrays to the comparison method.
Internally the comparator compares the two arrays by usingjoin
to turn both arrays into strings and comparing the strings usingeq
. In the joined strings, the elements of the original arrays are separated with the^G
character. This can cause problems if your array data contains^G
characters as it is possible that two different arrays can be converted to the same string.
To avoid this, it is possible to override the default separator character, either by passing an alternative to thenew
my $comp = Array::Compare->new(Sep => '|');
or by changing the separator for an existing comparator object
In general you should choose a separator character that won't appear in your data.
You can also control whether or not whitespace within the elements of the arrays should be considered significant when making the comparison. The default is that all whitespace is significant. The alternative is for all consecutive white space characters to be converted to a single space for the purposes of the comparison. Again, this can be turned on when creating a comparator object:
my $comp = Array::Compare->new(WhiteSpace => 0);
or by altering an existing object:
You can also control whether or not the case of the data is significant in the comparison. The default is that the case of data is taken into account. This can be changed in the standard ways when creating a new comparator object:
my $comp = Array::Compare->new(Case => 0);
or by altering an existing object:
In addition to the simple comparison described above (which returns true if the arrays are the same and false if they're different) there is also a full comparison which returns a list containing the indexes of elements which differ between the two arrays. If the arrays are the same it returns an empty list. In scalar context the full comparison returns the length of this list (i.e. the number of elements that differ). You can access the full comparison in two ways. Firstly, there is aDefFull
attribute. If this istrue
then a full comparison is carried out whenever thecompare
method is called.
my $comp = Array::Compare->new(DefFull => 1);$comp->compare(\@arr1, \@arr2); # Full comparison$comp->DefFull(0);$comp->compare(\@arr1, \@arr2); # Simple comparison$comp->DefFull(1);$comp->compare(\@arr1, \@arr2); # Full comparison again
Secondly, you can access the full comparison method directly
$comp->full_compare(\@arr1, \@arr2);
For symmetry, there is also a direct method to use to call the simple comparison.
$comp->simple_compare(\@arr1, \@arr2);
The final complication is the ability to skip elements in the comparison. If you know that two arrays will always differ in a particular element but want to compare the arraysignoring this element, you can do it with Array::Compare without taking array slices. To do this, a comparator object has an optional attribute calledSkip
which is a reference to a hash. The keys in this hash are the indexes of the array elements and the values should be any true value for elements that should be skipped.
For example, if you want to compare two arrays, ignoring the values in elements two and four, you can do something like this:
my %skip = (2 => 1, 4 => 1);my @a = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);my @b = (0, 1, X, 3, X, 5);my $comp = Array::Compare->new(Skip => \%skip);$comp->compare(\@a, \@b);
This should returntrue, as we are explicitly ignoring the columns which differ.
Of course, having created a comparator object with no skip hash, it is possible to add one later:
$comp->Skip({1 => 1, 2 => 1});
my %skip = (1 => 1, 2 => 2);$comp->Skip(\%skip);
To reset the comparator so that no longer skips elements, call NoSkip().
You can also check to see if one array is a permutation of another, i.e. they contain the same elements but in a different order.
if ($comp->perm(\@a, \@b) { print "Arrays are perms\n";} else { print "Nope. Arrays are completely different\n";}
In this case the values ofWhiteSpace
are still used, butSkip
is ignored for, hopefully, obvious reasons.
new [ %OPTIONS ]
Constructs a new comparison object.
Takes an optional hash containing various options that control how comparisons are carried out. Any omitted options take useful defaults.
- Sep
This is the value that is used to separate fields when the array is joined into a string. It should be a value which doesn't appear in your data. Default is '^G'.
- WhiteSpace
Flag that indicates whether or not whitespace is significant in the comparison. If this value is false then all multiple whitespace characters are changed into a single space before the comparison takes place. Default is 1 (whitespace is significant).
- Case
Flag that indicates whther or not the case of the data should be significant in the comparison. Default is 1 (case is significant).
- Skip
a reference to a hash which contains the numbers of any columns that should be skipped in the comparison. Default is an empty hash (all columns are significant).
- NoSkip
Reset skipped column details. It assigns {} to the attribute
.- DefFull
Flag which indicates whether the default comparison is simple (just returns true if the arrays are the same or false if they're not) or full (returns an array containing the indexes of the columns that differ). Default is 0 (simple comparison).
compare_len \@ARR1, \@ARR2
Very simple comparison. Just checks the lengths of the arrays are the same.
different_len \@ARR1, \@ARR2
Passed two arrays and returns true if they are of different lengths.
This is just the inverse ofcompare_len
(which is badly named).
compare \@ARR1, \@ARR2
Compare the values in two arrays and return a data indicating whether the arrays are the same. The exact return values differ depending on the comparison method used. See the descriptions ofsimple_compare andfull_compare for details.
Uses the value of DefFull to determine which comparison routine to use.
simple_compare \@ARR1, \@ARR2
Compare the values in two arrays and return a flag indicating whether or not the arrays are the same.
Returns true if the arrays are the same or false if they differ.
Uses the values of 'Sep', 'WhiteSpace' and 'Skip' to influence the comparison.
full_compare \@ARR1, \@ARR2
Do a full comparison between two arrays.
Checks each individual column. In scalar context returns the number of columns that differ (zero if the arrays are the same). In list context returns a list containing the indexes of the columns that differ (an empty list if the arrays are the same).
Uses the values of 'Sep' and 'WhiteSpace' to influence the comparison.
Note: If the two arrays are of different lengths then this method just returns the indexes of the elements that appear in one array but not the other (i.e. the indexes from the longer array that are beyond the end of the shorter array). This might be a little counter-intuitive.
perm \@ARR1, \@ARR2
Check to see if one array is a permutation of the other (i.e. contains the same set of elements, but in a different order).
We do this by sorting the arrays and passing references to the assorted versions to simple_compare. There are also some small changes to simple_compare as it should ignore the Skip hash if we are called from perm.
Dave Cross <>
Copyright (C) 2000-2005, Magnum Solutions Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Module Install Instructions
To install Array::Compare, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.
cpanm Array::Compare
perl -MCPAN -e shellinstall Array::Compare
For more information on module installation, please visitthe detailed CPAN module installation guide.