Changes for version 0.17 - 2014-01-07
- just meta files update
Socket.IO PSGI application
Sockets class
Connection class
Socket.IO message parsing and building
Connection pool
Redis class
Resource class
Socket class
Sockets class
Testing PocketIO
Base class for transports
Basic class for polling transports
Htmlfile transport
JSONPPolling transport
WebSocket transport
XHRMultipart transport
XHRPolling transport
in lib/PocketIO/
in lib/PocketIO/
in lib/PocketIO/
- examples/chat/README
- examples/chat/chat-redis.psgi
- examples/chat/chat-rooms.psgi
- examples/chat/chat.psgi
- examples/chat/public/WebSocketMain.swf
- examples/chat/public/WebSocketMainInsecure.swf
- examples/chat/public/chat.html
- examples/chat/public/
- examples/chat/public/stylesheets/style.css
- examples/flash-policy-server
Module Install Instructions
To install PocketIO, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.
cpanm PocketIO
perl -MCPAN -e shellinstall PocketIO
For more information on module installation, please visitthe detailed CPAN module installation guide.