Changes for version 0.1404 - 2018-05-19
- API Changes
- Updated ::TrafficCamera to API version 0.2, which adds lat/long information to the camera devices.
- Stats & Dependency Changes
- 23 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
- (dev req) ~ Dist::Zilla 6.010 --> 6.012
- (dev req) ~ Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git 2.041 --> 2.043
- (dev sug) ~ Dist::Iller::Config::Author::CSSON 0.0320 --> 0.0321
An interface to the Open Data API of Gothenburg
Entry point to the Air Quality service
Get the latest air quality measurement
Get a collection of measurements
An air quality measurement
A list of air quality measurements
Entry point to the Bridge service
A change in status for Göta Älvbron
A list of bridge openings/closings
Is the bridge currently open?
A list of bridge openings
Entry point to the StyrOchStall bike rental service
Get data about a bike station
Get data on all bike stations
Data on a bike station
Entry point to the Traffic Camera service
Data about a traffic camera
A list of traffic cameras
Get the current image from a traffic camera
Get a list of traffic cameras
Module Install Instructions
To install OpenGbg, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.
cpanm OpenGbg
perl -MCPAN -e shellinstall OpenGbg
For more information on module installation, please visitthe detailed CPAN module installation guide.