Changes for version 0.9 - 2011-06-20
Changes for version 0.8_3 - 2011-06-19
- new agents->download method monitis-agent-install installator
Changes for version 0.8_1 - 2011-06-02
- First CPAN developer release
install Monitis API Agent on Linux servers
Modules API Perl interface
Agents manipulation
Predefined internal CPU monitors manipulation
Cloud instnces monitors info
Contacts manipulation
Custom monitors manipulation
Predefined internal drive monitors manipulation
External monitors manipulation
Full page load monitors manipulation
Predefined internal HTTP monitors manipulation
Internal monitors manipulation
Layout manipulation
Predefined internal load average monitors manipulation
Predefined internal memory monitors manipulation
Predefined internal ping monitors manipulation
Custom monitors info
Predefined internal process monitors manipulation
Sub-accounts manipulation
Transaction monitors manipulation
Visitors tracking info
Other files
Module Install Instructions
To install Monitis, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.
cpanm Monitis
perl -MCPAN -e shellinstall Monitis
For more information on module installation, please visitthe detailed CPAN module installation guide.