## $Id: Changes,v 2.7 2008/05/10 18:15:19 dankogai Exp dankogai $#$Revision: 2.7 $ $Date: 2008/05/10 18:15:19 $! Jcode.pm fixed: mime_encode doesn't work properly patch appled but the default value of $lf is reverted. http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=290492.06 2006/07/02 07:56:06! Jcode.pm t/regex.t t/tr.t Security fix by Hanabusa-san that prevents options from being eval'ed. <20060702140740.9DDB.DOT-DANKOGAI@ziro.org>2.05 2006/05/16 05:00:19! Jcode.pm t/jfold.t Jcode->new('12345678900')->jfold(5) must be ('12345','67890', '0') but the trailing 0 was lost. Message-Id: <>2.04 2006/04/15 04:08:30! Jcode.pm t/perl581.t Fixed: $j->GIVEN_ENCODING not working as advertized. Message-Id: <20060414152058.2BCE.KSK@be.to> Message-Id: <4355CE4F-6261-458F-8F2F-66BE6831991D@dan.co.jp>2.03 2005/07/07 04:00:52! Jcode.pm t/tr.t Fixed: $j->tr($from, "a-z/") yields unexpected result Message-Id: <20050706114544.D80E.KSK@be.to> Message-Id: <530FB8E2-B09D-4BBA-A271-09F0D91AAD79@dan.co.jp> 2.02 2005/06/29 14:00:09! Jcode.pm t/convert.t Addressed: Jcode::convert("constant" ...) croaks because 'Modification of a read-only value attempted'. Reported by Akira Kawamata via htmllint@ring.gr.jp Message-Id: <200506291823.ADF32994.VUONVB@piedey.co.jp> Message-Id: <674CABD0-F30B-4244-AFD6-AE9BFA0F3744@dan.co.jp>2.01 2005/06/20 06:21:06! Makefile.PL vs. ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.30 -- Thanks, Mike (Castle|Schwern). Message-Id: <20050620041227.GE5165@windhund.schwern.org>2.00 2005/05/16 19:07:51! Jcode.pm 2.00 released ex officio!1.99_07 2005/03/08! Jcode.pm jfold() fixes by nipotan http://blog.livedoor.jp/nipotan/archives/15894714.html1.99_06 2005/02/19! Jcode.pm Jcode/Nihongo.pod tr(), jfold(), m() and s() now accepts flagged UTF-8 strings in addition to EUC-JP strings.! Jcode.pm Jcode/Nihongo.pod t/jfold.t More patches by makamaka@donzoko.net. Message-Id: <200502180920.j1I9KLvB000550@www231.sakura.ne.jp>1.99_05 2005/02/18! Jcode.pm MANIFEST Makefile.PL+ Jcode/Nihongo.pod t/jfold.t Enhancements & Japanese POD with a help from makamaka@donzoko.net. Message-Id: <200502161338.j1GDct2I012566@www231.sakura.ne.jp>1.99_04 2005/02/15! Jcode.pm * Minor pod fixes * More field test at http://openlab.jp/Jcode/ before the official release1.99_03 2005/02/13! Jcode.pm Addressed a bug that Jcode did not handle 'binary' correctly, reported by Takahashi-san+ t/append.t Surprisingly, append() was not in the test suite so there.! Jcode.pm * $j->any_encoding feature added via AUTOLOAD. * More testings * Pod revisions1.99_02 2005/02/12- Unicode/_test.pl This file was totally unnecessary but got installed via MakeMaker so it is now removed from MANIFEST! Makefile.PL Now smarter so that only Jcode.pm is build and installed when appropriate (when your perl is 5.8.1 or better).1.99_01 2005/02/12! * First 2.0-beta.0.88 2004/12/03 12:04:22 Last release for ver. 0.x ....0.10 1999/07/08 First Preview Release