


STEVAN / JSORB-0.04 / Changes
Revision history for Perl extension JSORB0.04 Wed. Jan. 13, 2010    + JSORB::Client::Compiler      - base role for client compilers    + JSORB::Client::Compiler::Javascript      - concreate class to compile javascript        clients based on a JSORB interface        - added tests    - JSORB::Types      - removed the ScalarRef type (we can't        really support it).        - clarified types in the docs    - JS::JSORB      - added support for finding, slurping        and copying the JSORB.js file        - added details in the docs0.03 Thurs. Sept. 10, 2009    - added Try::Tiny dependency and      converted all exception handling      to use it.    * JSORB::Server::Simple      - removed HTTP::Engine dependency        and converted to regular just        HTTP::Server::Simple0.02 Sat. July 18, 2009    * Catalyst::Action::JSORB      Catalyst::Action::JSORB::WithInvocant      - better error messages    * JSORB::Dispatcher::Path      - no longer stringifies exceptions by default    * JSORB::Core::Element      - fixed is_weak_ref mis-spelling    * example/      - cleaning up and updating the examples and        including a README to explain how to run        them0.01 Fri. Feb. 27, 2009    - First release to an unsuspecting world!

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