


KILINRAX / HTML-Strip-2.12 / Changes
Revision history for Perl extension HTML::Strip.2.12  Mon 20 Mar 2023 19:17:06 EET    - update META.yml to version 2 spec    (patch contributed by Boyd Duffee)    - fixes test failure in t/420_pod_coverage.t with Test::Pod::Coverage installed 2.11  Tue 14 Mar 2023 13:18:29 EET    - fix public VSC info for MetaCPAN (RT#115740)    - add option to emit newlines for <br> and <p> tags    (patch by Ryan Schmidt, contributed by Jason McIntosh)    - installation / complilation bug on macOS (RT#134342)    (patch contributed by Lucas Kanashiro)    - spelling correction (RT#115740)    (patch contributed by Florian Weimer)    - improved C99 compatibility with utf8_char_width prototype (RT#146734)    (contributed by Gabor Szabo)    - htmlstrip command-line tool2.10  Fri Apr 22 12:16:17 BST 2016    - fix to building on Windows / MSVC (RT#102389)    - fix duplicate DESTROY in Strip(.pm,.xs) warning (RT#104379, Debian bug #785032)2.09  Mon Jan  5 16:51:17 GMT 2015    - fixed latin1 support, added test case for it (RT#100969)2.08  Tue Dec  9 15:02:02 GMT 2014    - replaced html entities in russian.html (read by utf8 test), as the      test should not fail due to problems with HTML::Entities2.07  Thu Dec  4 14:07:03 GMT 2014    - improvements for Kwalitee2.06  Thu Dec  4 12:59:54 GMT 2014    - strip_spaces in utf8 test was using perl v5.14+ features    - reading of DATA in utf8 test should be native utf8 not use Encode,      which mangles it on some platforms2.05  Wed Dec  3 16:05:13 GMT 2014    - fix to bug in t/300_utf8.t causing whitespace not to be stripped2.04  Tue Nov 25 11:14:08 GMT 2014    - many cpan tester failures due to witespace in utf8 test,      main test done with whitespace stripped, todo test as before2.03  Mon Nov 24 13:48:44 GMT 2014    - removed trailing libicu deps    - perl minimum version to 5.8 (needed for unicode support)    - cleaned up test suite    - version bump in META.YML (RT#100457)    - 'use feature' breaking perl 5.8, removed (RT#100453)    - added Test::Exception to build_requires2.02  Thu Nov 20 11:21:35 GMT 2014    - removed dependency on libicu-dev, which isn't as universal as expected      and was causing a bunch of cpan tester failures2.01  Wed Nov 19 10:48:04 GMT 2014    (patch contributed by Michi Steiner)    - clean buffer needs an extra char when emit_spaces=1 and the input has      nothing to be removed (RT#41035)2.00  Tue Nov 18 16:14:42 GMT 2014    - utf8 support via libicu (RT#42834)    - smoke test and utf8 test, tests ordered1.10  Tue Sep 30 14:34:47 UTC 2014    - fix for RT#99207 (script mathematical symbol bug)1.09  Tue Sep 30 10:39:47 UTC 2014    - offbyone.t disabled under Windows (RT#99219)1.08  Fri Sep 26 15:02:37 UTC 2014    - system perl used in offbyone.t (RT#99151)1.07  Tue Sep 23 14:44:08 UTC 2014    - fix to bug RT#19036 - tags not replaced with spaces when only a single      character is between the tags    - fix to bug RT#35345 - mathematical conparisons within <script> tags      misunderstood    (patches contributed by Adriano Ferreira)    - Exporter was never needed    - Allow other filtering operations than just decoding of HTML entities    - Modernised test suite    - Adds 'auto_reset' attribute, which allows automagic use of $hs->eof    - fixes quotes in html comments (RT#32355)    (patch contributed by Reini Urban)    - MSVC doesnt define strcasecmp, use stricmp instead    (patch contributed by Damyan Ivanov)    - fixes POD errors1.06  Fri Feb 10 11:18:35 2006    - documented 'set_decode_entities' method1.05  Thu Feb  9 12:11:50 2006    - added 'set_decode_entities' method1.04  Mon Jan 24 16:41:51 2005   - replaced all instances of strcmp with strcasecmp to make the      module case-insensitive towards HTML tag names1.03  Wed Jul  7 13:42:26 2004    - added 'emit_spaces' configuration option which can turn off      attempted conversion of HTML tags into spaces    - constructor options now passed in a hash1.02  Tue Feb 24 16:24:18 2004    - yet more checks to prevent extraneous whitespace    - added many more tests1.01  Mon Jul  7 18:15:59 2003    - removed provision for escaped quotes in attributes values    - more checks to prevent the outputting of extraneous whitespace1.00  Wed Jun 11 12:05:47 2003    - rewritten in C, using a struct for each object to keep track      of state and striptags0.05  Thu May 22 19:49:25 2003    - removed "XSOPT => '-C++'" from Makefile.PL as it was      unnecessary and causing problems for some people    - added "#include <string.h>" to strip_html.cpp as it's      absence was causing problems for some people0.04  Sun Mar 23 12:45:13 2003    - tweaked docs, added FAQ explaining why 0.03 failed cpan testing0.03  Sat Mar 22 11:20:34 2003    - rewritten in C++ to make striptags an attribute of each      object0.02  Mon Mar 17 18:20:01 2003    - added set_striptags() method    - documented module0.01  Tue Mar  4 18:17:38 2003- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options-A -n HTML::Strip html_strip.h

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