Changes for version 0.008 - 2022-06-20
- GH #23: (VERY) Preliminary support for extending the grammar.
- GH #111: Support "die".
- GH #112: Support "readline STDIN" or "readline(STDIN)".
- GH #113: Support "$#_" (but not "$# _").
- GH #114: Support all forms of binmode() (Val @valcomm).
- GH #115: Support all forms of for() loop (Val @valcomm).
- RT #132920: Fix confusion of quote-like operators by comments.
- Support "_" in file operations ("-x _", etc.).
- Support "$foo->$bar" and "$foo->$_".
- Support 'eval "..."' or 'eval $foo'.
- Improve wording on top-level anonymous hashes.
- When failing without an exception, we throw an exception with more information (e.g., "print _").
A parser toolkit for Standard Perl
A Gaucamole-based Deparser
Dump Guacamole ASTs
What Guacamole uses to test itself
Enforce Standard Perl syntax with Guacamole
Module Install Instructions
To install Guacamole, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.
cpanm Guacamole
perl -MCPAN -e shellinstall Guacamole
For more information on module installation, please visitthe detailed CPAN module installation guide.