Changes for version 1.22
- go ahead and release
Changes for version 1.21_04
- Add fix forRT 109758
- Add version dependency for Flickr::API
- Added in a reflection tool
Changes for version 1.21_03
- Added caching to
- added cache as a role for cameras, et. al.
- add some cache tests into the t/03-cameras.t
- Add fix forRT109558 missing dependency
- close out some of the ancient now obviated RT bugs from years ago.
Changes for version 1.21_02
- Got a role working as desired,
- Make the tests more to the point
- Add subclass and test for
Changes for version 1.21_01
- Move to a directory filled with Types/
- Now with Roles!
Represents a photo on Flickr.
Represents a photoset on Flickr.
Caching behaviors for the Flickr::Tools
Permission behaviors for the Flickr::Tools
Tools to assist using the Flickr API
Perl interface to the Flickr::API for cameras
Perl interface to the Flickr::API for Flickr method reflection
Module Install Instructions
To install Flickr::Tools, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.
cpanm Flickr::Tools
perl -MCPAN -e shellinstall Flickr::Tools
For more information on module installation, please visitthe detailed CPAN module installation guide.