Changes for version 0.47 - 2014-05-21
- This release begins the road to a better DZIL/M:I/EU:MM project support
- Upgrade to jQuery 2.1.1
- Upgrade to CodeMirror 4.2
- #10: Install a CPAN module from inside Farabi.
- Added git status and log and all git operations are now under VCS menu.
- Added make, make clean & make test commands.
- Added dzil build and clean actions
- Dist:Zilla support is enabled when the current project folder contains 'dist.ini'
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Install support is enabled when the current project folder contains 'Makefile.PL'
- Refactor make and dzil commands into build, clean and test commands under the build menu.
- Added SQL syntax highlighting support.
- Diff editor is also affected with whitespace (tab, space) toggle options.
- F1 displays perldoc help for the selected text or current token under the cursor in the documentation tab.
- Remove Minilla support. It is literally too opinionated and not there yet.
Run Farabi web server
Module Install Instructions
To install Farabi, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.
cpanm Farabi
perl -MCPAN -e shellinstall Farabi
For more information on module installation, please visitthe detailed CPAN module installation guide.