Overview of changes in Cairo 1.109==================================* Remove PDF outline exports that do not existOverview of changes in Cairo 1.108==================================* Add missing status codes* Add Perl bindings for Cairo surface mime type setting/getting and get extents* Add bindings for PDF outline support* Add example file for PDF outline support bindings* Updated MANIFEST file with newly added files* Makefile.PL: updated Git URLs* Add defined constants for MIME types, pdf outlining, and tagsOverview of changes in Cairo 1.107==================================* Rename DOAP file to appease Gitlab* Add bindings for cairo_tag_begin and cairo_tag_end* Add a binding for cairo_pdf_surface_set_metadataOverview of changes in Cairo 1.106==================================* Generate cairo-perl-auto.typemap and cairo-perl-auto.h in a deterministic fashion* Use the pthread compatibility workaround on NetBSD as well* Fix a test failure in t/CairoFont.tOverview of changes in Cairo 1.105==================================* Fix libpthread-related building issues on OpenBSDOverview of changes in Cairo 1.104==================================* Avoid misusing the macro PL_na, thus preventing potential issues when Cairo is used in conjunction with certain XS modules, among them XML::Parser and String::Approx.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.103==================================* Hush a few compiler warnings* Updated copyright dateOverview of changes in Cairo 1.102==================================* Fix building with perl <= 5.14* Prevent crashes on exit with Cairo::Path on perl 5.6.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.101==================================* Properly specify our dependencies.* Fix some erroneous POD links.* Distribute a missing test file.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.100==================================Since 1.08x (the previous stable series)----------------------------------------* Make "use Cairo x.yyy" work. This required renaming the old Cairo::VERSION, a wrapper for CAIRO_VERSION, to Cairo::LIB_VERSION -- but we kept the old way of calling it working. Cairo::version, Cairo::version_string and Cairo::VERSION_ENCODE got the same treatment for consistency.* Auto-upgrade strings to utf8. Note that this means that calling utf8::encode() on strings before passing them into Cairo will now yield doubly-encoded and thus broken strings. Also, having utf8-encoded literals in your code without an accompanying "use utf8" line will also lead to double encoding.* Expand and improve the README and META.yml files.* Many compilation and test suite fixes.Since 1.091-----------* Do not assume that sizeof(void*) == sizeof(long)* Calculate a string length more efficiently* added updated README text for RT#74870* Created %meta_merge which follows v2 of meta-specOverview of changes in Cairo 1.091==================================* Auto-upgrade strings to utf8. Note that this means that calling utf8::encode() on strings before passing them into Cairo will now yield doubly-encoded and thus broken strings. Also, having utf8-encoded literals in your code without an accompanying "use utf8" line will also lead to double encoding.* Fix compiling and testing against older versions of cairo.* Make the test suite more robust.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.090==================================* Make "use Cairo x.yyy" work; fixes RT#72783. This required renaming the old Cairo::VERSION, a wrapper for CAIRO_VERSION, to Cairo::LIB_VERSION -- but we kept the old way of calling it working. Cairo::version, Cairo::version_string and Cairo::VERSION_ENCODE got the same treatment for consistency.* Updated FSF LGPL notice address (RT#72664)Overview of changes in Cairo 1.082==================================* Update the symbol export list for linking on win32 (https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=665265)Overview of changes in Cairo 1.081==================================* Add a missing cairo_font_type_t value.* Fix a test failure.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.080==================================Since 1.06x-----------* Wrap new 1.8 and 1.10 API.* Make Cairo::Pattern->set_extend, get_extend, set_filter and get_filter available to all pattern types, not just surface patterns.* Make it possible to modify and create paths.Since 1.071-----------* Add support for missing operator types.* Fix compilation agains perl 5.15.x.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.071==================================* Add new API: - recording surface - region functions - toy font face - PDF version functions - Cairo::in_clip - Cairo::Surface::create_for_rectangle* Make it possible to modify and create paths.* Make Cairo::Surface::create_similar callable as a class-static method, for consistency with Cairo::Surface::create_for_rectangle.* Fix a few test failures.* Add more examples.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.070==================================* Wrap 1.8 API: - cairo_show_text_glyphs - cairo_scaled_font_text_to_glyphs and cairo_scaled_font_get_scale_matrix - cairo_surface_get_fallback_resolution and cairo_surface_has_show_text_glyphs* Make Cairo::Pattern->set_extend, get_extend, set_filter and get_filter available to all pattern types, not just surface patterns.* Fix a memory manage bug in Cairo::FtFontFace.* Fix a bug in the enum conversion code that made it more lenient than intended.* Add a few examples.* Fix a few test failures.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.062==================================* Cairo::FtFontFace: Keep the FT_Face alive long enough to avoid segfaults* Add two new example programs* Fix test failuresOverview of changes in Cairo 1.061==================================* Support the enum value CAIRO_FONT_TYPE_QUARTZ.* Improve the documentation slightly.* Fix a few test failures.* Fix a few build issues.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.060==================================Since 1.04x-----------* Wrap new API: - cairo_has_current_point - cairo_path_extents - cairo_format_stride_for_width - cairo_surface_copy_page and cairo_surface_show_page - cairo_ps_surface_restrict_to_level, cairo_ps_get_levels, and cairo_ps_level_to_string - cairo_ps_surface_set_eps and cairo_ps_surface_get_eps* Provide Cairo::FtFontFace::create which can be used with Font::FreeType.* Complete the API listing POD.Since 1.053-----------* Document new API.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.053==================================* Wrap new API: - cairo_has_current_pointOverview of changes in Cairo 1.052==================================* Adapt to API changes: cairo_surface_copy_page and cairo_surface_show_page don't return cairo_status_t anymore.* Wrap new API: - cairo_path_extents - cairo_format_stride_for_width* Fix the tied interface for paths on perl 5.6.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.051==================================* Fix memory allocation errors on win32. [T.J. Ferraro]* Wrap new API: - cairo_surface_copy_page and cairo_surface_show_page - cairo_ps_surface_restrict_to_level, cairo_ps_get_levels, and cairo_ps_level_to_string - cairo_ps_surface_set_eps and cairo_ps_surface_get_epsOverview of changes in Cairo 1.050==================================* Provide Cairo::FtFontFace::create which can be used with Font::FreeType.* Add entries for the various kinds of surfaces to the API listing.* Fix some test suite and build issues.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.045==================================* Fix memory allocation errors on win32. [T.J. Ferraro]Overview of changes in Cairo 1.044==================================* Add entries for the various kinds of surfaces to the API listing.* Fix some test suite and build issues.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.043==================================* Fix a few build and compatibility problems.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.042==================================* Fix a few build and test failures.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.041==================================* Use Test::Numer::Delta to make floating point tests more reliable.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.040==================================* Re-add Cairo::Surface::finish.* Add support for cairo_get_scaled_font.* Document the new API.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.031==================================* Track upstream API improvements.* Fix enum error messages to display the correct list of allowed values.* Fix a endianness-related test failure.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.030==================================* Add support for new API: - cairo_get_dash, cairo_copy_clip_rectangles, and cairo_clip_extents. - cairo_pattern_get_rgba, cairo_pattern_get_surface, cairo_pattern_get_color_stop_rgba, cairo_pattern_get_points, and cairo_pattern_get_circles.* Make Cairo::ImageSurface::get_data usable.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.021==================================* Fix test failure.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.02=================================* Fix a bug that caused the content type value 'content-alpha' to be interpreted as just 'content'.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.01=================================* Fix a few test failures.Overview of changes in Cairo 1.00=================================* Improve compilation compatibility with cairo 1.0.x.* Export public symbols on win32.Overview of changes in Cairo 0.92=================================* Fix compilation and tests with cairo 1.0.x when the PDF and/or PS backend are enabled. [Yaakov S]* Fix a problem in the PNG stream stuff that occured with perl 5.8.8.* Add an example that demonstrates the PNG stream stuff.Overview of changes in Cairo 0.91=================================* Make it possible to use the bindings with cairo 1.0.x and later. This makes it possible to drop the cairo requirement back to 1.0.0.Overview of changes in Cairo 0.90=================================* Require cairo 1.2.0.* Add support for SVG surfaces.* Add Cairo::VERSION and Cairo::VERSION_ENCODE.* Wrap CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB16_565.* Remove Cairo::HAS_XLIB_SURFACE and HAS_FT_FONT.Overview of changes in Cairo 0.04=================================* Remove the wrappers for cairo_pdf_surface_set_dpi and cairo_ps_surface_set_dpi. Developers should use cairo_surface_set_fallback_resolution instead.* Improve the enum converters to produce more useful error messages.* Wrap the streaming functions: - cairo_surface_write_to_png_stream - cairo_image_surface_create_from_png_stream - cairo_pdf_surface_create_for_stream - cairo_ps_surface_create_for_stream* Wrap new API: - cairo_version, cairo_version_string, cairo_push_group, cairo_push_group_with_content, cairo_pop_group, cairo_pop_group_to_source, cairo_new_sub_path, cairo_set_scaled_font, cairo_get_group_target - cairo_font_face_get_type, cairo_scaled_font_get_type, cairo_scaled_font_text_extents, cairo_scaled_font_get_font_face, cairo_scaled_font_get_font_matrix, cairo_scaled_font_get_ctm, cairo_scaled_font_get_font_options - cairo_pattern_get_type - cairo_surface_get_device_offset, cairo_surface_get_type, cairo_surface_get_content, cairo_surface_set_fallback_resolution - cairo_image_surface_get_data, cairo_image_surface_get_format, cairo_image_surface_get_stride - cairo_pdf_surface_set_size - cairo_ps_surface_set_dpi, cairo_ps_surface_set_size, cairo_ps_surface_dsc_comment, cairo_ps_surface_dsc_begin_setup, cairo_ps_surface_dsc_begin_setup* Port more examples from cairo-demo.Overview of changes in Cairo 0.03=================================* Export a sane type conversion API for other modules to use.* Add lots of documentation in the form of API listings.* Add Cairo::SolidPattern::create_rgb and create_rgba.Overview of changes in Cairo 0.02=================================* Fix compilation error that occured when the PS and PDF backends of cairo were disabled. [Reported by Christopher Oezbek]Overview of changes in Cairo 0.01=================================* Initial release.