


River stage two • 16 direct dependents • 27 total dependents

Changes for version 1.87

  • shared references were not decoded correctly: instead of getting multiple references to the same object, you got the same reference to the same object, causing a number of issues. For example, modifying the reference would modify all places the reference was used, and encoding the decoded structure would unshare the previously shared hashes, as trheir reference count would be 1. Fixing this was rather involved, as perl lacks the ability to easily swap or copy arrays and hashes.
  • \0, \1, \undef do not work, and were not intended to ever work, as special values, despite being mentioned in the documentation (reported by nuclightq).
  • new feature: allow_weak_cycles.


Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR, RFC7049)

Other files

Module Install Instructions

To install CBOR::XS, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.


cpanm CBOR::XS

CPAN shell

perl -MCPAN -e shellinstall CBOR::XS

For more information on module installation, please visitthe detailed CPAN module installation guide.

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