Changes for version 1.026 - 2024-09-13
- Added
- Added bare `$ref` services. Now a new service can be created as a reference to (or a method $call or $path lookup from) another service. Thanks @djerius for the patch! [Github #80]
- Added merging for single hash-ref arguments. This is a special case for those constructors that don't just take a list of key-value pairs. Thanks @XSven for the patch! [Github #83]
- Fixed
- Fixed `beam-wire` command exit status to exit non-zero on a failure. Thanks @mauke for the patch! [Github #78]
A brief introduction to dependency injection with Beam::Wire
Lightweight Dependency Injection Container
Event fired when building a new service
Event fired when configuring a new service
in lib/Beam/
in lib/Beam/
in lib/Beam/
in lib/Beam/
in lib/Beam/
in lib/Beam/
Module Install Instructions
To install Beam::Wire, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.
cpanm Beam::Wire
perl -MCPAN -e shellinstall Beam::Wire
For more information on module installation, please visitthe detailed CPAN module installation guide.