Changes for version 2.19
Interacting with the Toodledo task management service.
class encapsulating a Toodledo account
internal representation of an account.
internal attributes of an account.
class encapsulating a Toodledo context
internal representation of a context.
internal attributes of a context.
class encapsulating a Toodledo folder
internal representation of a folder.
internal attributes of a folder.
class encapsulating a Toodledo goal
internal representation of a goal.
internal attributes of a goal.
class encapsulating a Toodledo location
internal representation of a location.
internal attributes of a role.
class encapsulating a Toodledo notebook
internal representation of a notebook.
internal attributes of a notebook.
class encapsulating a Toodledo task
Manage a local cache of Toodledo tasks
internal representation of a task.
internal attributes of a task.
in lib/App/Toodledo/
in lib/App/Toodledo/
in lib/App/Toodledo/
in lib/App/Toodledo/
in lib/App/Toodledo/
Module Install Instructions
To install App::Toodledo, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.
cpanm App::Toodledo
perl -MCPAN -e shellinstall App::Toodledo
For more information on module installation, please visitthe detailed CPAN module installation guide.