Changes for version 0.34 - 2014-05-25
- Bump to 0.34 and out to CPAN
Changes for version 0.33_05 - 2014-05-18
- ignore dirs - bug found by farabi, azawawi++
- Info: now only if verbose >= 1
Changes for version 0.33_03 - 2014-05-03
- conversion to using MetaCPAN::Client -> issue#7
Changes for version 0.33_01 - 2014-04-27
- tweak regexs to allow lower case modules
Check requires & test_requires of your package for CPAN inclusion.
Check RuntimeRequires & TestRequires of your package for CPAN inclusion.
Package Attributes used by App::Midgen
Package Attributes used by App::Midgen
used by App::Midgen
used by App::Midgen
used by App::Midgen
used by App::Midgen
used by App::Midgen
Package Options used by App::Midgen
A collection of output orientated methods used by App::Midgen
Output Format - cpanfile, used by App::Midgen
Output Format - dist.ini, used by App::Midgen
Output Format - ExtUtils::MakeMaker, used by App::Midgen
Modules and files they were found in, used by App::Midgen
Output Format - Module::Build, used by App::Midgen
Output Format - META.json, used by App::Midgen
Output Format - Module::Install, used by App::Midgen
extra checks for test files, looking for methods in use Test::Requires blocks, used by App::Midgen
looking for methods with Module::Runtime includes, used by App::Midgen
extra checks for test files, looking for methods in use_ok in BEGIN blocks, used by App::Midgen
Module Install Instructions
To install App::Midgen, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.
cpanm App::Midgen
perl -MCPAN -e shellinstall App::Midgen
For more information on module installation, please visitthe detailed CPAN module installation guide.