| Acme-CPANAuthors-Misanthrope-1.03 | The CPAN authors who see into your soul with perfect clarity. | 30 Dec 2010 06:17:09 UTC |
| Acme-Pi-Abrahamic-7.77 | Pi as related by Abrahamic tradition. | 02 Oct 2013 03:25:39 UTC |
| Catalyst-Plugin-Acme-LOLCAT-0.03 | IM IN UR CATALYST APLACASHUN REWRITIN YUR OUTPUTS. | 30 Mar 2008 02:05:43 UTC |
| Catalyst-Plugin-Acme-Scramble-0.03 | tset the budnos of lieibiglty and dstraneotme how we pcvreiee wdors wtih yuor Ctyslaat apicapltion | 13 Jul 2007 23:49:29 UTC |
| CatalystX-Plugin-Blurb-0.03 | (alpha software) handle transient messages and UI elements. | 17 Apr 2010 00:52:26 UTC |
| CatalystX-Test-Most-0.05 | Test base pulling in Catalyst::Test, Test::More, Test::Fatal, and HTTP::Request::Common for unit tests on Catalyst applications. | 26 Oct 2012 16:20:10 UTC |
| DBICx-MaterializedPath-0.03 | DBIx::Class plugin for automatically tracking lineage paths in simple data trees. | 21 Nov 2010 00:14:53 UTC |
| DBIx-Class-LibXMLdoc-0.05 | Create an adjunct "[column]Doc" accessor of a column's data which is automatically parsed into a LibXML documentElement (beta-software). | 30 Jun 2008 18:39:38 UTC |
| HTML-DTD-0.04 | local access to the standard and historical HTML DTDs. | 11 Apr 2010 16:30:38 UTC |
| HTML-Truncate-0.20 | (beta software) truncate HTML by percentage or character count while preserving well-formedness. | 14 Jul 2009 00:30:12 UTC |
| Lingua-EN-Titlecase-0.15 | Titlecase English words by traditional editorial rules. | 04 Aug 2012 05:57:31 UTC |
| Plack-Middleware-CSP-0.02 | Apply HTTP::CSPHeader to your psgi application. | 30 Jun 2022 14:43:04 UTC |
| RSSycklr-0.15 | (beta) Highly configurable recycling of syndication (RSS/Atom) feeds into tailored, guaranteed XHTML fragments. | 03 Aug 2011 00:55:59 UTC |
| Template-Plugin-Gravatar-0.10 | Configurable TT2-based generation of Gravatar URLs from email addresses. | 11 Sep 2016 13:13:21 UTC |
| WWW-WorldLingo-0.03 | Tie into WorldLingo's subscription based translation service. | 21 Oct 2007 02:52:01 UTC |
| XHTML-Util-0.04 | (alpha software) powerful utilities for common but difficult to nail HTML munging. | 27 Oct 2009 04:10:33 UTC |