Immediatism is a wikitendency which focuses on a highimmediate value at any given time. An immediatist may argue that any detracting quality (such as inaccurate content or poor writing) should be remedied as soon as possible, as it may mislead readers (seeWP:NOW). This is in contrast toeventualism, which accepts a certain degree of chaos in building towards a higheventual value.
Immediatism may be characterised byexclusionism ordeletionism, whereby pages judged insignificant or unimportant should be deleted in order to maintain the professionalism or quality of the project as a whole. However, immediatism is not wholly incompatible withinclusionism either; there may simply be a view that the page should appear to be complete and formatted properly at any point in time, even if one must delay the addition of content.
A page's immediate value perhaps becomes more important as projects gain higher traffic, thus increasing the number of visitors seeing temporary detracting qualities. Immediatist ideas may be carried on further, possibly including controls to ensure that the immediate value is maintained. Some derivative ideas includelimiting anonymous editing andprohibiting anonymous edits in the mainspace.
Despite the lack of a deadline, the justification for immediatism is simple: Good edits inform the public and clarify policy, leading to good editors and therefore good articles. Bad edits misinform the public and confuse policy, leading to bad editors and therefore bad articles.