


MediBang Paint - 無料のイラスト・マンガ制作ツールfor iPad

Thank you for installing MediBang Paint for iPad.
Now, it's time learn how to use it.

This tutorial is for MediBang Paint for iPad.

Click here for other devices

This tutorial is for new MediBang Paint users who are unfamiliar with its interface. By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to comfortably use all the basic functions of MediBang Paint for iPad.

  1. 1Getting started

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Your creativity will be more special!

MediBang Paint's new service,
Unlimited use of exclusive brushes and materials,
full access to MediBang Paint,
and many other benefits to help your creativity.

the benefits

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  • Cloud

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  • Group Project

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MediBang's recommended app


    We introiduce "JUMP PAINT", JUMP's official soft and app for manga creators.


