


Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Submission Guidelines - MediBang Inc.

This site is used by all countries, cultures, ages and genders all over the world.
There are also people who post works such as manga and illustrations, people who view works that are posted, and people. Everyone is able to enjoy enjoy themselves in their own way.
Here are guidelines so that everyone can have fun using this site.
In order to provide a smooth service of this site operated by Medibang, Inc., we ask for your cooperation so that our users can enjoy using our site.

■ About the Guideline Policy
  • These guidelines apply to images and texts, such as: comics, illustrations, other images, topics, and comments posted on this site.
  • If it is determined that the guidelines are not being followed, the age limit may be changed or works may be deleted.
■ About posting images such as Manga and Illustrations

This site is used by people of all ages.
When posting images such as manga and illustrations that are inappropriate for people under the age of 18 to view, it is mandatory to set the age limit according to these guidelines.
In addition, on "my page", (header images, profile icons, backgrounds, photographs, etc.) and the images published to the topic, you are prohibited from setting images that are considered R18 and/or prohibition work.

■ About Setting Age Limits

The following three patterns of age restrictions have been established on this site.
Please set up the right settings after confirming which piece of work it applies to:
MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA only accept manga works (1.) for all ages.

1.Viewers of all ages
Works for which any conditions listed below in 2 or 3 do not apply.
2.Frequent baring of skin, light sexual themes
  • Semi-nude, swimsuits or underpants, etc., featuring skin exposure;
  • Though there are no direct depictions of nipples or genitals, contains depictions of sexuality (regardless of gender or age)
    Eg. hugging, kissing, revealing underwear, emphasized cleavage / breast(s) / buttocks / crotch, and any depictions implying sexual acts, etc.
    ※ Emphasized depictions of genitals under clothing is considered to be R18.
3.Mature Content (Partial exposure, sexual, grotesque, violent, anti-social themes)
  • Depictions of sex organs (even if censored via mosaic, etc.) 
  • Direct depictions of sexual intercourse, sexual touching, etc.
  • Depictions containing implied sexual behavior
  • Grotesque acts depicted in vivid detail
  • Depictions of excessive violence
  • Depictions of drug use (eg. opioids, stimulants) legal or illegal
■Prohibited Matters

No User may submit content containing any of the following in using the Service. In the event any violation of this Prohibited Matters provision has been committed, unfavorable measures such as deregistration, suspension of use, deletion or suspension of publication of the Graphics and Other Information in whole or in part may be taken.

  • Expressions that accept, promote, or foment discrimination based on one’s ethnicity, nation (or people from specific country), race, skin color, family origin, residential area, gender, disorder, disease, physical feature, religion, thought and belief, occupation, social status, educational background, living condition and such.
  • Insensitive expressions and expressions that accept, promote, or foment discrimation towards social minority, sexual minority such as LGBTQ+ community, and socially vulnerable groups.
  • Expressions that can be considered as hate speech, and expressions that accept, promote, or foment hate speech.
  • Expressions that slander the specific individuals or groups and harm one’s reputation and dignity.
  • Uncensored and/or insufficiently modified, depictions of sexual acts or sex organs;
  • Child pornography or child abuse (based on apparent age);
  • Acts and expressions that insult an existing person, religion, ethnic group, nation and such. (Including the following examples, but we prohibit other acts and expressions related to this matter too. )
    • Improper handling of the Quran.
    • Idolizing (Illustrating) Muhammad the Prophet.
  • Acts and expressions of dening/distorting or affirming/admiring histories related to discrimination and massacre. (Including the following examples, but we prohibit other acts and expressions related to this matter too. )
    • Improper use of Hakenkreuz (a symbol of a hooked cross) and designs related to Nazi Germany.
    • Improper use of designs that remind the prison uniform and symbol (Star of David) of Nazi concentration camps.
  • Acts and expressions of being hostile to/ scorning the specific race or ethnic group, and criticizing/ slandering them.
  • Expressions related to illegal/ antisocial/ dangerous behaviors.
    • Expressions and acts of posting information related to illegal drugs, awakening drugs, quasi legal drugs and such.
    • Expressions and acts that might induce, promote, and assist suicidal acts.
    • Expressions and acts that might induce, promote, and assist bad behaviors such as bullying and running away from home.
    • Expressions and acts that affirm and promote sexual abuse towards children.
    • Expressions and acts that clearly endorse underage drinking and smoking.
    • Expressions and acts that might induce, promote, and assist dangerous behaviors.
    • Expressions and acts that might induce and promote illegal acts and illegal acts itselves.
  • Content which infringes personality rights or privacy rights;
  • In the case of illustrations, artworks consisting primarily of text, photos, or screenshots;
  • Content which infringes on a third party's intellectual property rights, trademark, etc.;
  • Promotion, advertisement, solicitation, or marketing on the Service that is not approved by The Company in advance (excepting Doujinshi convention promotion, etc.) ;
  • Expressions and improper acts of soliciting pyramid schemes (Ponzi scam), religion, political activity, and such.
  • Expressions and acts of sharing personal information that can be used to identify an individual, such as one’s name(real name), address, phone number, email address, and such.
  • Expressions and acts that can be considered as an attempt to date other users such as asking for a contact address on another website or trying to get other users to meet you in person.
  • Expressions and acts of using the same or similar name of author, company, group, or product that is known by many people.
  • The same manga / illustration has been published many times.
  • Any other acts that The Company deems to be inappropriate.
■ About the topics and comments on a post

The following topics or comments may be subject to deletion or account termination:

  • Referring to the guideline topic, those that post illustrations etc. other than "■ About Setting Age Limits > 1. Viewers of all ages"
  • The purpose is to vandalize posted manga, illustrations or posters.
  • What causes discomfort to others, such as sexual and violent content.
  • When personal information is stated.
  • Those intended for sales, solicitation, encounters, etc.
  • Others that were considered to be interfering with the operation.
■ When you find an act that violates our guidelines
  • If you find manga or illustrations that violate the guidelines.
    Select "Report type" from "Report this work" on the work detail page, and click the "Report" button.
    We will prioritize checking reported works and take appropriate action.
    Please note that we can not respond to inquiries such as reasons for deletions etc.
  • If you find a topic or comment that violates these guidelines.
    Please contact us here Contact Form From a listed page (topics, illustrations, manga, etc.)
    However, please note that there are some sensitive parts that may cause trouble for comments. Please be aware that we may not be able to respond.
    In addition, please understand in advance that we can not respond to inquiries such as reasons for deletions etc.

Other prohibited matters are mentioned in our "Terms of Service".
Terms of Service
The contents of these guidelines are subject to change without notice.


