


Privacy Policy


Last Updated and Effective as of July 01, 2024

Present Policy

About Our Business

Media.Net Advertising FZ-LLC, working by itself or at times with its affiliated companies, (individually and/or collectively, "Media.Net," "we," "us" or "our") utilizes its digital advertising technology platforms (our "Technology") to assist with the selection, deliver and display of contextual (nonpersonalized) and targeted (personalized) advertising (our "Services") on behalf of the advertisers and their business partners and representatives (collectively "Buyers") on websites and properties (collectively "Seller Sites") owned and/or operated by entities (collectively "Sellers") that participate in our advertising marketplace.

When Does this Privacy Policy Apply?

This Privacy Policy applies:




This describes the information we collect and the purposes for which we collect it. It covers both the information collected on our Website and through our Services from End Users (individuals who visit our Website or the Website of a Partner). The section of this notice that follows describes the information collected from our Partners.

I. Privacy Practices for End Users

A. Information We Collect

The Technology we use to provide our Services collects information from end users who visit one or more Seller Sites and/or our Website. While this information does not enable us to directly identify you (e.g., we do not receive your name, email address, etc.), it may be considered "personal data" or "personal information" under applicable privacy or data protection laws.

The information we may collect includes:

Information we receive from third parties: We may also receive information from third parties at the instruction of advertising partners or for the benefit of our Seller Sites that provide user demographics, behaviors or interests, obfuscated user identifiers such as hashed email addresses, user preferences on the ad experience and other information that may help make the ads more relevant.

Cookies. We use cookies, web beacons, mobile SDKs and other web tools ("Tools") to collect information regarding your behavior and usage patterns on our Website and on our Seller Sites. We use these Tools:

Further, while we do not collect or process sensitive personal information, and our Technology does not deliver targeted ads based on actual or known medical conditions of users, or the treatments they use, nor does it market prescription drugs, we do generate and serve ads for non-sensitive health-related advertising that may be of interest to End Users: diet and fitness; doctors; health care professionals; health conscious; health and medicine; health and well-being; interest in health insurance; and pregnancy and in some cases health advertising that is based on the content of the page on which such ads appear (e.g., we may include an ad for a dietary supplement that complements an article regarding weight loss).

B. For What Purposes Do We Use Your Information?

We use your information in the following ways:

C. With Whom Do We Share Your Information?

Subject to the section titled "Additional EU/UK Disclosures", we may share the information we collect about you with certain third parties in the following ways:

We may aggregate data so that it is no longer identifiable. That data may be shared with third parties for their business purposes. In addition to the foregoing, we may share your information with anyone provided we have your express consent..

II. Privacy Practices for Partners

A. Information We Collect. We ask for information about you when you contact us for information about our Services, or when you register to participate in’s program for use of Technology. We may also collect information about you when you use our Website or interfaces. Information we obtain from Partners includes:

Cookies. We use cookies, web beacons, and other web tools ("Tools") to collect information regarding your behavior and usage patterns on our Website, on our mobile applications (to the extent downloaded to your mobile device). We may use Tools to help our Website function, to analyze your use of our Website and/or reporting of our Services, and to understand our Website visitors and how the Website may be improved.

For more information about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set on your device and how to manage and delete them, and

B. How Do We Use Your Information? We use your information in the following ways:

C. With Whom Do We Share Your Information? Subject to the section titled "Additional EU/UK Disclosures," we share the information we collect from and about you with certain third parties in the following ways:

We sometimes aggregate data so that it is no longer identifiable. We share aggregated information with third parties for their business purposes.

III. Your Choices.

Your browser may give you the ability to adjust your settings to delete or disable cookies. Some mobile devices enable you to turn off or reset the mobile ad identifier. To opt out using these mechanisms, consult your device settings ("Opt out of Personalized Ads" on Android devices and "Limit Ad Tracking" on iOS devices).

IV. Rights for California Consumers.

The terms "Business Purpose(s)," "Personal Information," "Sell" (or "Sale"), "Service Provider(s)," and "Third Parties" have the meanings given in the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act, ("CCPA"). These term references and disclosures describe the rights of California Consumers and provide information about the way we collect and use the personal information of California Consumers.

A. Collection of Personal Information

B. Disclosure of Personal Information. 
We share information as described above. This section also descrbes how we “sell” information, as that term is used in the CCPA. Categories of Personal Information Sold. Identifiers and inferences about website visitors.

C. California Consumer Rights & Options. 
You have the right to access, correct, or delete Your Personal Information. We do not collect, use, sell, or share sensitive Personal Information, but if we ever do, you will have the right to tell us to limit its use. You may exercise your rights by submitting a privacy rights requesthere or by mailing us You can opt out of sale or sharing of your personal information or exercise your "Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information" right via’s opt-out toolhere, including by sending a GPC signal from your browser. We may set a non-unique cookie for the sole purpose of implementing your opt-out request. If you opt-out, you should not delete your cookies. If you delete your cookies after opting out, you will need to opt-out again. Please note that because most of the information we store can only identify a particular browser or device, we may not be able to provide you with copies of the personal information we hold if we cannot verify that it is yours. If you ask to delete your personal information, and we cannot determine which information is yours, we may treat your request as a request not to sell your information. We do not honor “Do Not Track” signals that are not officially recognized, but we will honor requests to opt out of sale sent from officially recognized global privacy controls. If an authorized agent submits a request on your behalf, we may require that the authorized agent provide written proof of their authority and we may separately verify your identity and confirm your request with you. If you have any questions about your rights or our disclosures, please contact our privacy officer per the details listed in the section titled"Contact Us" below. We will never discriminate against you because you have exercised these rights.

D. California consumer rights requests metrics:
As a registered databroker in California, we are required to track the requests we receive from California consumers to exercise their rights. Below is our report on the requests we received during calendar year 2023, and our responses:

Requests to delete a consumer’s information:
Requests received: 1
Requests partly or completely fulfilled: 1
Requests denied: 0
Median fulfillment time: 10

Requests to opt out of sale or sharing of a consumer’s information:
Requests received: 221
Requests partly or completely fulfilled: 221
Requests denied: 0
Median fulfillment time: 1

Right to know (Right to know and access information collected, right to know what information is sold)
Requests received: 0
Requests partly or completely fulfilled: 0
Requests denied: 0
Median fulfillment time: NA

Requests to limit use of a consumer’s sensitive information: N/A(We don’t collect sensitive information)

E. Rights of Consumers in Other U.S. States. 
If you are a Virginia, Connecticut, Colorado, Oregon, Texas, or Utah consumer, (or, beginning in October 2024, a Montana consumer), you have the right to:

We will not discriminate against you in any way for exercising these rights.

For certain requests, we may email you to confirm your identity. You can email us or make your requesthere.

V. Additional EU/UK Disclosures

A. Data controller. We are the data controller for all processing of l Personal Information collected through our Website. When we perform Services, we generally act as a data controller for the personal information we process, but we sometimes perform Services as a Processor for one of our customers. If you have a complaint, contact our privacy office per the details listed in the section titled "Contact Us" below. You also have the right to contact the data protection authority in your country.

Our EU-GDPR Representative is:
Rickert Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
- MediaNet -
Colmantstraße 15
53115 Bonn

Our UK-GDPR Representative is:
Rickert Services Ltd UK
- MediaNet -
PO Box 1487
United Kingdom

B.Legal Basis for our Processing of Your Personal Information. Below are the types of lawful basis that we will rely on to process your Personal Information:

          We sometimes rely on our legitimate interest to use limited information (such as the content you are currently viewing, or your general geographic area) to provide basic ads to you.  We do not believe that the use of this general information, which is not used to create a profile of you, presents substantial risks to you as a data subject.  Any risks are outweighed by the benefits all parties derive from using basic advertising to support the delivery of Content. 

          When a Seller relies on its legitimate interest to process limited personal information for the delivery of basic ads, instead of obtaining your consent to do so, we too rely on our legitimate interest to perform the services that make it possible to provide basic ads.  Similarly when a Seller uses limited personal information to select content, we too rely on our legitimate interest to do so.  In both of these cases there is little risk to your rights and freedoms based on the limited personal information used.  

          We rely on legitimate interest to determine how many times an advertisement has been presented to you so that you do not see it too often, and to detect fraud so that Sellers only pay for legitimate advertising views.  In both of these cases, the risk to the data subject based on the limited data used is smaller than the benefit that we, the Sellers, Buyers, and Partners, and you the data subject, derive from maintaining the usefulness and integrity of the advertising services we provide.  Similarly, we rely on our legitimate interest to measure the performance of advertising.  This too helps to ensure the quality and integrity of the advertising Services without adding any substantial risk to your rights and freedoms.  

          We rely on our legitimate interest to use the data we are processing when we perform Services to support, develop, and improve our Services.  This does not present any additional risk to You and it helps us provide high quality Services that benefit you and the Sellers, Buyers, and Partners who rely on us.  

C. Participation in the advertising industry Transparency and Consent Framework. We participate in the IAB Europe’s Transparency and Consent Framework (“TCF”), which allows you to better understand who is providing advertising services to you on the websites you visit, and gives you choices about who may process your personal information. We are a registered vendor (142) on the IAB Europe’s Global Vendor List (GVL).

D. Sharing of Personal Information. We share information as described above.

E. Additional EU/UK Privacy Rights. If we are relying on your consent to process your Personal Information, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You have the right to request that we correct or erase your personal information. You also have the right to object to some or all of our processing and to object to automated decision-making with significant or legal effects. You can exercise your rights at any time by submitting a privacy rights requesthere or by contacting us

F. Modifications to this Privacy Policy. We may edit, amend, modify, and update our Privacy Policy at any time and from time to time, by posting updated text on or links to our Website. When we make material changes to our Privacy Policies or our privacy practices, we will notify you by posting a notice on our Website or providing a notice to you. We display the Effective Date at the top of our Privacy Policy so that you will know when there has been a change in its effective date. By using our Website or our Technology or any Publisher Site using our Technology after the effective date, you will have agreed and be deemed to have agreed to comply with and be legally bound by the updated Privacy Policies.

G. Cross border transfers. Our Website and technology infrastructure is primarily maintained in the United States. If you are visiting our Website or Seller Sites from the regions with laws governing data collection and use that may differ from those in the United States, please note that you may be transferring your information to the United States and to other countries around the world. By using our Website, you agree to export and use your information within the United States and in other countries as specified in this Privacy Policy. If you are situated in the EU/UK, whenever we transfer your Personal Data out of the EU/UK, we ensure appropriate and suitable safeguards are used to protect your Personal Information . Where we use certain service providers, or provide Services ourselves, we may use specific contracts including data processing agreements based on the EU/EEA Standard Contractual Clauses to ensure these safeguards are in place.

VI. Sensitive Information.

We ask that you not send us, and you not disclose, any sensitive personal information (e.g.,social security numbers, information related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health, criminal background, or trade union membership) on or through our Website, or our Services or otherwise to us.

VII. Third Party Practices.

This Privacy Policy applies solely to our privacy practices, and not to the practices of other parties. We encourage you to review the privacy statements of every website that you visit to be sure you understand the terms and conditions that apply to you from each of them.

VIII. Data Retention.

We will only retain information relating to you for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements. To determine the appropriate retention period for such information, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the information, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of the information, the purposes for which we process your information and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements. Unless contrary to applicable laws, except with respect to information about our Partners with whom we have an ongoing relationship, our policy is to retain the non-aggregated information we collect for up to 24 months, after which the data is either anonymized or deleted from our systems. And as permitted by law, we may continue to retain aggregated information. In some circumstances, if you are an EU/UK data subject, you can ask us to delete your Personal Data by submitting a privacy rights requesthere or by sending us an email We use commercially reasonable procedures to protect the personal information that we collect. However, we cannot guarantee the security of our databases, nor can we guarantee that personal information you supply won’t be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the internet.

IX. Children.

Our Website is intended for an audience above the age of 18. Neither our Website nor our Technology / advertising services are developed for, intended for, or directed at, children, and we do not knowingly collect information from or about children under the age of 16 (or such other age as may be restricted under local law). If you believe your child has provided his or her information to us, please submit a privacy rights requesthere or contact us at

X. Contact Us.

If you have any questions relating to this Privacy Policy, please contact us at or mail us at:

Privacy Officer Advertising FZ-LLC
2701 Aurora Tower, Dubai Media City
Dubai 215028, UAE

Let’s talk about what can do for you!

