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Just played the latest update
Pretty solid all around, and that new boss was cool as well
That said, I feel like the sprite layer of the projectiles from the 3rd boss should be above that the of the boss. I ended up taking quite a lot of damage because I couldn't really see why I was taking damage.
I also think that the colour of the projectiles could be a little different from the environment. Mostly because they kinda blended into the environment sometimes
This also applied to the final boss quite a lot. Everything was red to the point that the boss, it's attacks, the player and the player's attacks all just kinda blended together at times.
I also think the game is maybe a little too forgiving now ? Maybe the player could take slightly more damage with every hit, just to ensure that they can't just tank themselves through the game. Admittedly I kinda did that in some places
Also, just a small suggestion, but maybe a successful stab for health could increase your combo meter depending on the amount of blood you absorbed
All things considered, the update is pretty great overall. Solid work on this.
Im a fan of your game and art! I would like to give you a cameo in my game. Let me know if you are interested. The game is https://store.steampowered.com/app/3299850/The_Last_Phoenix/
Heyope, this ended up being in my favourite itch games of 2024 (place 6).
I really like boss battles and this game has some fun ones. Especially the last boss seemed insanely interesting. Though sadly I didn't beat it because of how long replays took.
Maybe I'll get around to it now.
Anyways I gave the game a little shoutout on my yearly Blogpost. And I would absolutely donate 8 Bucks if you had them open.
Anyways, sorry for the second comment just to advertise my Blogpost, your other games are looking real good too I'm really excited to find the time to play them.
alr am not saying its bad its really good project alright, but i just find it really hard to procced in each levels,maybe if u could add checkpoints after few bosses. (also sorry for my Vulgar expression)
Thank you.
i hope you find this comments as a forgiving letter.
an beautiful imagine of a skinnies streamer ever
This game is really awesome, I am currently working to port this game to retro arm linux-based handhelds via Portmaster (http://portmaster.games/) and I am wondering if you are okay with the distribution of the game via Portmaster, or would you prefer users to download the game files from here directly?
Kind regards,
I am currently trying to play Ichorous on my R36S, thanks for porting it, and I'm having trouble with the tutorial because I'm not sure what the buttons are mapped to. Do you have a button map you could post or send me or something? I would greatly appreciate it. Many thanks to the devs MattStov, Goblin and Goblin.
fun! It crashed on me on the eyes boss:
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object oBloodSplat:
Unable to find instance for object index 61
at gml_Object_oBloodSplat_Step_0
gml_Object_oBloodSplat_Step_0 (line -1)
It is a very striking and fun game but I had 2 bugs when entering the power selection area for the first time, touching the blood didn't take me anywhere and the other bug was when the 2nd battle with the boss of the eyes ends, the game stops drawing blood towards the player, maybe it's the math that gave that bug even so I had fun playing it I will continue playing it hoping you fix those bugs greetings!