


Lecture Slides and Demos Released as Open Source

Slides and demos (in Jupyter Notebook form) for all the courses I currently teach onan ongoing basis at the University of Illinois are now available in opensource form on Github:

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The State of OpenCL for Scientific Computing in 2018

As someone who maintains afair number of softwarepackages that build, in one way or an other, onOpenCL (and keeps creating more!), a friend recently asked me what I thought ofthe state of the OpenCL ecosystem in 2018. In part, I am writing this to supportthe …

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Nvidia Highlights PyCUDA/PyOpenCL Applications

Nvidia’sParallel Forall blogrecently highlighted two applications that are using myPythonHPC packages to accelerate their computational science workloads:

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Tutorial: Domain Specific Languages and Code Generation in Python

AtSC15 last week I had the opportunity topresent atutorial onhow to design, build, and compile your own domain-specific language usingPython. I am now releasing the tutorial material under a Creative Commonslicense for the community to use and build on.

Browse tutorial

Specifically, the material …

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Dr. Dobb’s article series on PyOpenCL

Gaston Hillar has written a very niceintroductoryarticleon usingPyOpenCL, to be part of a two-part series. I’malready looking forward to the second part. :)

If you’d like to try to follow along with the article, check out theOpenCLinstallation howto, then follow the easy …

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The Devil’s dictionary of programming

As someone who, on occasion, has created adomain-specific-language ortwo, thisentry of theDevil’s Dictionary ofProgramminghit close to home:


A domain specific language, where code is written in one language and errors are given in another.

Link (found on hacker news)

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New (Py)OpenCL tutorial

Simon McIntosh-Smith from Bristol University just let me know that he andTom Deakin have published a new set of lecture slides and excercises (with solutions!) to teach (more generally) OpenCL and (specifically) PyOpenCL. I’ve added a link to this and a few older tutorials to

PyOpenCL’s main …

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Quote of the day

Quote of the day:

In Python 2.6, no one can hear you scream.

(source) This reminds me of that one time when I was debugging some odd interaction between threading and contexts in PyCUDA. Never again, hopefully. :)

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