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Below is a list of novels published by a variety of different publishers over the years, licensed/owned by Marvel. Due to the nature of novels, the canonicity of several of these is unknown. As such these are often listed as apocryphal to their respective universes (eg. Prime Marvel Universe/616, MCU/1999).

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Please add any that are currently not included.

NameCoverPublication YearStarringWriterPublisherNotes
Incredible Hulk: Lost in TimeJanuary 1 1980HulkDon GlutWhitman Publishing
Amazing Spider-Man: Mayhem in ManhattanMarch 1 1978Spider-ManLen Wein,Marv WolfmanPocket BooksThe first book released in theMarvel Novel Series
Incredible Hulk: Stalker From the StarsOctober 1 1978HulkLen Wein,Marv Wolfman,Joseph SilvaPocket BooksThe second book released in theMarvel Novel Series
Incredible Hulk: Cry of the BeastMarch 1 1979HulkRichard S. MeyersPocket BooksThe third book released in theMarvel Novel Series
Captain America: Holocaust for HireApril 1 1979Captain AmericaRon GoulartPocket BooksThe forth book released in theMarvel Novel Series
Fantastic Four: DoomsdayApril 1 1979Fantastic FourMarv WolfmanPocket BooksThe fifth book released in theMarvel Novel Series
Iron Man: And Call My Killer...MODOK!June 1 1979Iron ManWilliam RotslerPocket BooksThe sixth book released in theMarvel Novel Series
Doctor Strange: NightmareJune 1 1979Doctor StrangeWilliam RotslerPocket BooksThe seventh book released in theMarvel Novel Series
Amazing Spider-Man: Crime CampaignJuly 1 1979Spider-ManPaul KupperbergPocket BooksThe eigth book released in theMarvel Novel Series
Marvel SuperheroesAugust 1 1979Len Wein,Marv Wolfman,Martin Pasko,Mary Jo DuffyPocket BooksThe ninth book released in theMarvel Novel Series
Avengers: The Man Who Stole TomorrowSeptember 1 1979AvengersDavid MicheliniePocket BooksThe tenth book released in theMarvel Novel Series
Hulk/Spider-Man: MurdermoonOctober 1 1979Hulk, Spider-ManPaul KupperbergPocket BooksThe eleventh book released in theMarvel Novel Series
Incredible Hulk: What Savage BeastAugust 30 1995HulkPeter DavidByron-Preiss Multimedia
Hulk Fights BackMay 27 2003HulkJasmine JonesHarperCollins
Incredible Hulk: AbominationsJuly 1 1997HulkJason HendersonByron-Preiss Multimedia
HulkApril 29 2003HulkPeter DavidDel ReyAdaptation ofHulk
Hulk: The Movie StorybookMay 27 2003HulkLaura DriscollHarperFestival
I Am the HulkMay 27 2003HulkActon FigueroaHarperFestivalAdaptation ofHulk aimed at 8-12 year olds
The Incredible HulkMay 20 2008HulkPeter DavidBallantine BooksAdaptation ofThe Incredible Hulk (film)
The Incredible Hulk: Movie NovelizationMay 20 2008HulkJ.E. BrightSimon SpotlightAdaptation ofThe Incredible Hulk (film) aimed at 8-12 year olds
Hulk Saves the DayApril 1 2010HulkChris StrathearnLittle, Brown and Company
Fantastic Four in The House of HorrorsJanuary 1 1968Fantastic FourWilliam JohnstonWhitman Publishing
Fantastic Four: The Island of DangerJanuary 1 1984Fantastic FourDavid Anthony KraftMarvel Books
Fantastic Four: To Free AtlantisDecember 1 1995Fantastic FourNancy A. CollinsByron-Preiss Multimedia
Fantastic FourJune 30 2005Fantastic FourPeter DavidGardners Books
Fantastic Four: Redemption of the Silver SurferJune 16 1997Fantastic FourMichael Jan FriedmanBerkley Boulevard Books
Fantastic Four: Countdown To ChaosJune 1 1998Fantastic FourPierce AskegrenBerkley Boulevard Books
Fantastic Four: War ZoneJuly 26 2005Fantastic FourGreg CoxPocket Books
Fantastic Four: Meet the Fantastic FourJune 1 2005Fantastic FourMonique Z. StephensHarperFestival
Fantastic Four: The Baxter EffectDecember 26 2006Fantastic FourDave SternPocket Books
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver SurferApril 24 2007Fantastic FourDaniel JosephsPocket BooksAdaptation ofFantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Fantastic Four: What Lies BetweenJune 26 2007Fantastic FourPeter DavidPocket Books
Fantastic Four: DoomgateNovember 25 2008Fantastic FourJeffrey LangPocket Books
Rocket and Groot: Stranded on Planet Strip Mall!March 8 2016Rocket Raccoon and GrootTom AnglebergerMarvel Press
Rocket and Groot: Keep on Truckin'!April 4 2017Rocket Raccoon and GrootTom AnglebergerMarvel Press
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl: Squirrel Meets WorldFebruary 7 2017Squirrel GirlShannon HaleMarvel Press
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl: 2 Fuzzy, 2 FuriousMarch 8 2018Squirrel GirlShannon HaleMarvel Press
Avengers: Battle the Earth-WreckerJanuary 1 1967AvengersOtto BinderBantam Books
Captain America: The Great Gold StealJanuary 1 1968Captain AmericaTed WhiteBantam Books
Howard the DuckAugust 1 1986Howard the DuckEllis WeinerAdaptation ofHoward the Duck
Howard the Duck: The Menace from Outer SpaceJanuary 1 1986Howard the DuckWilliam Hyyck,Gloria KatzMarvel BooksColoring Book based onHoward the Duck (film)
Howard the Duck: A Walk Back in TimeJanuary 1 1986Howard the DuckNancy Leigh BrownMarvel BooksColoring Book based onHoward the Duck (film)
Howard the Duck: The Rock n' Roll StarJanuary 1 1986Howard the DuckJean WarichaMarvel BooksColoring Book based onHoward the Duck (film)
Ultimate Super-VillainsAugust 1 1996Byron-Preiss Multimedia
Ultimate Spider-ManFebruary 1 1996Spider-ManByron-Preiss Multimedia
Ultimate Silver SurferNovember 1 1995Silver SurferByron-Preiss Multimedia
Ultimate X-Men (novel)October 1 1996X-MenByron-Preiss Multimedia
Ultimate HulkOctober 1 1998HulkByron-Preiss Multimedia
Daredevil: Predator's SmileApril 1 1996DaredevilChristopher GoldenByron-Preiss Multimedia
Spider-Man and the Incredible Hulk: RampageSeptember 1 1996Spider-Man, HulkDanny Fingeroth,Eric FeinByron-Preiss MultimediaBook one in theDoom's Day Trilogy
Spider-Man and Iron Man: SabotageMarch 1 1997Spider-Man, Iron ManPierce Askegren,Danny FingerothByron-Preiss MultimediaBook two in theDoom's Day Trilogy
Spider-Man and Fantastic Four: WreckageNovember 1 1997Spider-Man, Fantastic FourEric Fein,Pierce AskegrenByron-Preiss MultimediaBook three in theDoom's Day Trilogy
Generation XJune 1 1997Generation XScott Lobdell,Elliot S. MagginByron-Preiss Multimedia
Star Trek: The Next Generation/X-Men: Planet XMay 01 1998X-MenMichael Jan FriedmanPocket Books
X-Men & Spider-Man: Time's Arrow Book 1: The PastJuly 1 1998X-Men, Spider-ManTom DeFalcoBerkley Boulevard BooksBook one in theTime's Arrow Trilogy
X-Men & Spider-Man: Time's Arrow Book 2: The PresentAugust 1 1998X-Men, Spider-ManTom DeFalcoBerkley Boulevard BooksBook two in theTime's Arrow Trilogy
X-Men & Spider-Man: Time's Arrow Book 3: The FutureSeptember 1 1998X-Men, Spider-ManTom DeFalcoBerkley Boulevard BooksBook three in theTime's Arrow Trilogy
BladeAugust 5 1998BladeMel OdomHarper EntertainmentAdaptation ofBlade
Generation X: CrossroadsNovember 1 1998Generation XJ. Steven YorkByron-Preiss Multimedia
Captain America: Liberty's TorchDecember 1 1998Captain AmericaTony Isabella,Bob IngersollByron-Preiss Multimedia
Daredevil: The Cutting EdgeJune 1 1999DaredevilMadeleine E. RobinsBerkley Boulevard Books
X-Men and the Avengers: Lost and FoundJuly 1, 1999X-Men, AvengersGreg CoxByron-Preiss MultimediaBook one in theGamma Quest Trilogy
X-Men and the Avengers: Search and RescueAugust 1, 1999X-Men, AvengersGreg CoxByron-Preiss MultimediaBook two in theGamma Quest Trilogy
X-Men and the Avengers: Friend or Foe?June 1 2000X-Men, AvengersGreg CoxByron-Preiss MultimediaBook three in theGamma Quest Trilogy
Avengers and the ThunderboltsJanuary 1 1999Avengers, ThunderboltsPierce AskegrenByron-Preiss Multimedia
Generation X: GenogothsSeptember 1 2000Generation XJ. Steven YorkByron-Preiss Multimedia
Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.: EmpyreAugust 1 2000Nick FuryWill MurrayBerkley Books
DaredevilJanuary 1 2003DaredevilGreg CoxOnyx Books
Blade: TrinityOctober 26, 2004BladeNatasha RhodesBlack FlameAdaptation ofBlade: Trinity
ElektraDecember 28 2004ElektraYvonne NavarroSimon & SchusterAdaptation ofElektra
The PunisherDecember 18 2007PunisherDave Stern;Jonathan HensleighDel ReyAdaptation ofThe Punisher
Ghost RiderJanuary 23 2007Ghost RiderGreg CoxPocket StarAdaptation ofGhost Rider
Civil WarJune 6 2012Stuart MooreAdaptation ofCivil War
Thor's RevengeApril 5 2011ThorElizabeth RudnickMarvel PressPartial Adaptation ofThor aimed at 6-8 year olds
The She-Hulk DiariesJune 18 2013She-HulkMarta AcostaHyperion
Guardians of the Galaxy: Rocket Raccoon and Groot Steal the Galaxy!July 15 2014Guardians of the GalaxyDan AbnettMarvel Press
Rogue TouchJune 18 2013RogueChristine WoodwardHyperion
New Avengers: BreakoutJanuary 1 2013AvengersAlisa KwitneyMarvel Press
Death of Captain AmericaMarch 25 2014Captain AmericaLarry HamaMarvel PressAdaption of theDeath of Captain America story arc
Black Widow: Forever RedOctober 13 2015Black WidowMargaret StohlMarvel Press
Marvel Super Heroes: Secret WarsJanuary 20 2015Alexander IrvineTitan Books
Avengers: Everybody Wants to Rule the WorldApril 21 2015AvengersDan AbnettTitan Books
Ant-Man: Natural EnemyJuly 7 2015Ant-ManJason StarrTitan Books
Deadpool: PawsAugust 18, 2015DeadpoolStefan PetruchaTitan Books
Marvel's Captain America: Civil War: The Junior NovelApril 12 2016Captain AmericaChris WyattLittle, Brown and CompanyAdaptation ofCaptain America: Civil War aimed at 8-12 year old
Black Widow: Red VengeanceOctober 11 2016Black WidowMargaret StohlMarvel Press
Doctor Strange: The Fate of DreamsOctober 18 2016Doctor StrangeDevin GraysonMarvel Press
Daredevil: The Man Without FearJuly 26 2016DaredevilPaul CrilleyMarvel Press
Captain America: Dark DesignsApril 26 2016Captain AmericaStefan PetruchaMarvel Press
Hulk: Planet HulkOctober 17 2017HulkGreg PakMarvel PressAdaptation ofPlanet Hulk
Thanos: Death SentenceFebruary 14 2017ThanosStuart MooreTitan Books
Guardians of the Galaxy: Collect Them AllApril 18 2017Guardians of the GalaxyCorinne DuyvisMarvel Press
Spider-Man: Forever YoungSeptember 12 2017Spider-ManStefan PetruchaMarvel Press
Black Panther: Who Is The Black Panther?June 20 2017Spider-ManJesse J. HollandTitan Books
Runaways: An Original NovelJanuary 2 2018RunawaysChristopher GoldenMarvel Press
Black Panther: The Young PrinceJanuary 2 2018Black PantherRonald L. SmithMarvel PressPart of theYoung Prince series
The Ultimates: Tomorrow MenJanuary 2 2007UltimatesMichael Jan FriedmanPocket Books
The Ultimates: Against All EnemiesAugust 28 2007UltimatesAlexander IrvinePocket Books
Iron Man: The Armor TrapJuly 1 1995Iron ManByron-Preiss MultimediaGreg Cox
Iron Man: Armored Adventures - High-Tech HeroJanuary 12 2010Iron ManGolden BooksDennis Shealy
Iron Man: Operation A.I.M.December 1 1996Iron ManByron-Preiss MultimediaGreg Cox
Iron Man: Steel TerrorNovember 1 1996Iron ManDean Wesley SmithPocket Book
Iron ManApril 4 2008Iron ManPeter DavidDel ReyAdaptation ofIron Man
Iron Man: The Junior NovelMarch 25 2008Iron ManStephen D. SullivanFestivalAdaptation ofIron Man aimed at 8-12 year olds
Iron Man: Femme FatalesSeptember 29 2009Iron ManRobert GreenbergerDel Rey
Iron Man 2April 1 2010Iron ManAlexander IrvineGrand Central PublishingAdaptation ofIron Man 2
Iron Man 2: The Official Movie StorybookJanuary 1 2010Iron ManJustin TherouxSunbird PublishingAdaptation ofIron Man 2
Iron Man 2: The Junior NovelApril 7 2010Iron ManAlexander IrvineLittle, Brown and CompanyAdaptation ofIron Man 2 aimed at 8-12
Iron Man: VirusJanuary 26 2010Iron ManAlexander IrvineDel Rey
Iron Man: ExtremisApril 16 2013Iron ManMarie JavinsMarvel Press
Iron Man: Invasion of the Space PhantomsMarch 29, 2016Iron ManSteve BehlingMarvel PressA Mighty Marvel Chapter Book
Iron Man: The GauntletOctober 25 2016Iron ManEoin ColferMarvel Press
Iron Man: Mutually Assured DestructionDecember 13 2016Iron ManPat ShandJoe Books Ltd
Wolverine: Weapon XOctober 25 2005WolverineMarc CerasiniPocket Star
Wolverine: Road of BonesJanuary 1 2006WolverineDavid Alan MackPocket Books
Wolverine: LifebloodFebruary 27 2007WolverineHugh MatthewsPocket Star
Wolverine: Violent TendenciesOctober 30 2007WolverineMarc CerasiniPocket Star
Wolverine: Election DayAugust 26 2008WolverinePeter DavidPocket Star
Wolverine: Nature of the BeastApril 29 2008WolverineDave SternPocket Star
Wolverine: Worst Day EverMay 6 2009WolverineBarry LygaMarvel Publishing
Spider-Man Zaps Mr. ZodiacJanuary 1 1976Spider-ManGeorge S. ElrickWestern Publishing
Amazing Spider-Man: The Big Top MysteryJanuary 1 1986Spider-ManDavid KraftMarvel BooksPicture Book
Spider-Man: The Venom FactorOctober 27 1994Spider-ManDiane DuaneByron-Preiss Multimedia
Spider-Man: The Lizard SanctionJuly 1 2001Spider-ManDiane DuaneByron-Preiss Multimedia
Spider-Man: Carnage in New YorkApril 15 1998Spider-ManDavid MichelinieByron-Preiss Multimedia
Spider-Man: Deadly CureAugust 1 1996Spider-ManBill McCayPocket Books
Spider-Man: Goblin's RevengeOctober 1 1996Spider-ManDean Wesley SmithByron-Preiss Multimedia
Spider-Man: Midnight JusticeApril 1 1996Spider-ManMartin DelrioPocket Books
Spider-Man: The Octopus AgendaAugust 1 1997Spider-ManDiane DuaneByron-Preiss Multimedia
You Are Spider Man vs. the Incredible HulkJune 1 1997Spider-Man, HulkRichie ChevatSimon Spotlight Entertainment
You Are Spider-Man vs. The Sinister SixAugust 1 1996Spider-ManRichie ChevatSimon Spotlight Entertainment
Untold Tales of Spider-ManOctober 1 1997Spider-ManNumerous authorsPenguin Putnam
Spider-Man: Global WarJanuary 1 1997Spider-ManMartin DelrioPocket Books
Spider-Man: Lizard's RageMarch 1 1997Spider-ManNeal Barrett Jr.Pocket Books
Spider-Man: Warrior's RevengeAugust 1 1997Spider-ManCollette LindrothPocket Books
Spider-Man: Valley of the LizardFebruary 1 1998Spider-ManJohn VornholtByron-Preiss Multimedia
Spider-Man: Venom's WrathOctober 1 1998Spider-ManKeith R.A. DeCandidoByron-Preiss Multimedia
Spider-Man: Wanted: Dead or AliveApril 1 1999Spider-ManCraig Shaw GardnerByron-Preiss Multimedia
Spider-Man: Goblin MoonJune 28 1999Spider-ManKurt Busiek,Nathan ArcherBerkley Boulevard Books
Spider-Man: The Gathering of the Sinister SixMarch 1 1999Spider-ManAdam-Troy CastroBerkley Boulevard Books
Spider-Man: Emerald MysteryOctober 1 2000Spider-ManDean Wesley SmithBerkley Boulevard Books
Spider-Man: Revenge of the Sinister SixJuly 1 2001Spider-ManAdam-Troy CastroBerkley Boulevard Books
Spider-ManMarch 19 2002Spider-ManPeter DavidDel ReyAdaptation ofSpider-Man (film)
Spider-Man Saves the DayMarch 19 2002Spider-ManActon FigueroaHarperFestival
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-ManMarch 19 2002Spider-ManKitty RichardsHarperCollins
Spider-Man: The Secret of the Sinister SixMarch 19, 2002Spider-ManAdam-Troy CastroBerkley Boulevard Books
Spider-Man 2May 25 2004Spider-ManPeter DavidDel Rey
Doc Around the ClockMay 21 2004Spider-ManJacob Ben GunterHarperFestival
Spider-Man: Down These Mean StreetsAugust 30 2005Spider-ManKeith R.A. DeCandidoPocket Books
Amazing Spider-Man: An Origin StoryJune 21 2011Spider-ManRich ThomasMarvel Press
Spider-Man: The Darkest HoursJune 2 2009Spider-ManJim ButcherPocket Books
Spider-Man 3March 1 2007Spider-ManPeter DavidPocket Star
Spider-Man Versus SandmanMarch 27 2007Spider-ManHarry LimeHarperCollins
Spider-Man: Drowned in ThunderDecember 26 2007Spider-ManChristopher L. BennettPocket Books
Spider-Man: RequiemOctober 28 2008Spider-ManJeffrey J. MariottePocket Books
Spider-Man: Kraven's Last HuntOctober 21 2014Spider-ManNeil KleidTitan Books
Miles Morales: Spider-ManAugust 1 2017Spider-ManJason ReynoldsMarvel Press
Mary Jane: The NovelJuly 2 2003Mary JaneJudith O'BrienMarvel Press
Mary Jane 2: The NovelJuly 1 2004Mary JaneJudith O'BrienMarvel Press
The Xavier FilesApril 12 1994X-MenJustine Korman FontesRandom House
X-Men: Sabretooth UnleashedOctober 24 1995X-MenRandom House
X-Men: Mutant Empire Book One: SiegeMay 1 1996X-MenChristopher GoldenBerkley Boulevard BooksBook one of theMutant Empire trilogy
X-Men: Mutant Empire Book Two: SanctuaryNovember 1 1996X-MenChristopher GoldenBerkley Boulevard BooksBook two of theMutant Empire trilogy
X-Men: Mutant Empire Book Three: SalvationMay 1, 1997X-MenChristopher GoldenBerkley Boulevard BooksBook three of theMutant Empire trilogy
X-Men: Empire's EndSeptember 1 1998X-MenDiane DuaneByron-Preiss Multimedia
X-Men: Smoke and MirrorsJanuary 1 1997X-MenEluki bes ShaharByron-Preiss Multimedia
X-Men: The Jewels of CyttorakDecember 1 1997X-MenDean Wesley SmithByron-Preiss Multimedia
X-Men: Codename WolverineMay 1 2000X-MenChristopher GoldenBerkley Boulevard Books
X-Men: Law of the JungleMarch 1 1998X-MenDave SmedsByron-Preiss Multimedia
X-Men: Prisoner XMay 1 1998X-MenAnn NocentiByron-Preiss Multimedia
X-Men: Soul KillerFebruary 1 1999X-MenRichard Lee ByersBerkley Boulevard Books
X-Men: A NovelizationJune 6 2000X-MenKristine Kathryn Rusch,Dean Wesley SmithBallantine Publishing GroupAdaptation ofX-Men
X-Men: Shadows of the PastJune 1 2000X-MenMichael Jan FriedmaniBooks
X-Men LegendsJune 1 2000X-MenByron-Preiss Multimedia
Five Decades of the X-MenApril 1 2003X-MeniBooks
X-Men - The Chaos Engine Trilogy: Book 1October 1 2000X-MenSteven Roman;Stan TimmonsiB`ooksBook one of theChaos Engine trilogy
X-Men - The Chaos Engine Trilogy: Book 2January 1 2002X-MenSteven Roman;Stan TimmonsiB`ooksBook two of theChaos Engine trilogy
X-Men - The Chaos Engine Trilogy: Book 3December 10, 2002X-MenSteven Roman;Stan TimmonsiB`ooksBook three of theChaos Engine trilogy
X-Men: The Legacy Quest Book OneJune 4 2002X-MeniBooksSteve LyonsBook one of theThe Legacy Quest trilogy
X-Men: The Legacy Quest Book TwoAugust 1, 2002X-MeniBooksSteve LyonsBook two of theThe Legacy Quest trilogy
X-Men: The Legacy Quest Book ThreeOctober 1 2002X-MeniBooksSteve LyonsBook three of theThe Legacy Quest trilogy
X-Men 2March 4 2003X-MenDel ReyChris ClaremontAdaptation ofX-Men 2 (film)
X-Men: Dark MirrorDecember 27 2006X-MenMarjorie M. LiuPocket Star
X-Men: Watchers on the WallsApril 25 2006X-MenChristopher L. BennettPocket Star
X-Men: The Last StandMay 16 2006X-MenChris ClaremontDel ReyAdaptation ofX-Men: The Last Stand
X-Men: The ReturnApril 24 2007X-MenChris RobersonPocket Star
Astonishing X-Men: GiftedSeptember 5 2012X-MenPeter DavidMarvel Press
X-Men: Days of Future PastMay 20 2014X-MenAlexander IrvineTitan BooksAdaptation ofDays of Future Past
Venom: Lethal ProtectorOctober 5 2018VenomJames R. TuckTitan BooksAdaptation ofVenom: Lethal Protector
Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War: Thanos - Titan ConsumedNovember 20 2018ThanosBarry LygaLittle, Brown and Company
Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War: The Cosmic Quest - Volume 1: BeginningApril 3 2018Brandon T. SniderLittle, Brown and Company
Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War: The Cosmic Quest - Volume 2: AftermathNovember 27 2018Brandon T. SniderLittle, Brown and Company
Marvel's Ant-Man: The Junior NovelJune 16, 2015Ant-ManChris WyattLittle, Brown Books for Young Readers
Marvel's Ant-Man and the Wasp: The Heroes' JourneyJune 5, 2018Ant-ManSteve BehlingLittle, Brown Books for Young Readers
Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War: The Heroes' JourneyApril 3 2018AvengersSteve BehlingLittle, Brown and Company
Marvel's Spider-Man: Hostile TakeoverAugust 21 2018Spider-ManDavid LissTitan BooksPrequel to the gameMarvel's Spider-Man
My Adventures with the AvengersJanuary 1 2013AvengersKate AndresenIdentity Direct
Captain Marvel: Liberation RunFebruary 26 2019Captain MarvelTess SharpeTitan Books
Avengers: InfinitySeptember 3 2019AvengersJames A. MooreTitan BooksAdaptation ofAvengers: Infinity
Loki: Where Mischief LiesSeptember 3, 2019LokiMackenzi LeeMarvel PressPart of theRebels & Renegades line of novels
X-Men: Mutant Empire OmnibusNovember 11 2019X-MenChristopher GoldenTitan BooksCollectingX-Men: Mutant Empire Book One: Siege,
X-Men: Mutant Empire Book Two: Sanctuary,
andX-Men: Mutant Empire Book Three: Salvation
X-Men and the Avengers: Gamma Quest OmnibusJanuary 21 2020X-Men; AvengersGreg CoxTitan BooksCollectingX-Men and the Avengers: Lost and Found,
X-Men and the Avengers: Search and Rescue,
andX-Men and the Avengers: Friend or Foe?
Spider-Man: The Venom Factor OmnibusMarch 10 2020Spider-ManDiane DuaneTitan BooksCollectingSpider-Man: The Venom Factor,
Spider-Man: The Lizard Sanction,
andSpider-Man: The Octopus Agenda
X-Men: The Dark Phoenix SagaMarch 25 2020X-MenStuart MooreTitan BooksAdaptation ofDark Phoenix Saga
Shuri: A Black Panther NovelMay 5 2020ShuriNic StoneScholastic Inc.
The Unstoppable Wasp: Built on HopeJuly 14 2020WaspSam MaggsMarvel Press
Marvel's Avengers: The Extinction KeyAugust 27 2020AvengersGreg KeyesTitan BooksPrequel to the gameMarvel's Avengers
Domino: StraysOctober 6, 2020DominoTristan PalmgrenAconyte BooksPart of theHeroines line of novels
The Head of MimirOctober 6, 2020HeimdallRichard Lee ByersAconyte BooksPart of theLegends of Asgard line of novels
Liberty & Justice For AllNovember 3, 2020X-MenCarrie HarrisAconyte BooksPart of theXavier Institute line of novels
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales - Wings of FuryNovember 10 2020Spider-ManBrittney MorrisTitan BooksPrequel to the gameMarvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
The Harrowing of DoomDecember 1, 2020Doctor DoomDavid AnnandaleAconyte BooksPart of theUntold line of novels
Wolverine: Weapon X OmnibusDecember 1 2020WolverineMarc Cerasini,David Alan Mack, andHugh MatthewsTitan BooksCollectingWolverine: Weapon X,
Wolverine: Road of Bones,
andWolverine: Lifeblood
The Sword of SurturJanuary 5, 2021TyrC. L. WernerAconyte BooksPart of theLegends of Asgard line of novels
Shuri: A Black Panther Novel - The VanishedFebruary 2 2021ShuriNic StoneScholastic Inc.
Black Panther: Tales of WakandaMarch 9 2021Black PantherVariousTitan Books
Morbius: The Living Vampire - Blood TiesMarch 9 2021Morbius the Living VampireBrendan DeneenTitan Books
First TeamMarch 23, 2021X-MenRobbie MacNivenAconyte BooksPart of theXavier Institute line of novels
Elsa Bloodstone: BequestMay 4, 2021Elsa BloodstoneCath LauriaAconyte BooksPart of theHeroines line of novels
Rogue: UntouchedMay 4, 2021RogueAlisa KwitneyAconyte BooksPart of theHeroines line of novels
Gamora & Nebula: Sisters in ArmsJune 1, 2021Gamora, NebulaMackenzi LeeMarvel PressPart of theRebels & Renegades line of novels
Spider-Man: The Darkest Hours OmnibusJune 1 2021Spider-ManJim Butcher,Keith R.A. DeCandido, andChristopher L. BennettTitan BooksCollectingSpider-Man: The Darkest Hours,
Spider-Man: Down These Mean Streets,
andSpider-Man: Drowned in Thunder
Target: KreeJuly 6, 2021Avengers, Guardians of the GalaxyStuart MooreAconyte BooksSet in the same world as theMarvel: Crisis Protocol board game
Outlaw: RelentlessSeptember 28, 2021OutlawTristan PalmgrenAconyte BooksPart of theHeroines line of novels
The Serpent and the DeadSeptember 28, 2021Valkyrie, SifAnna StephensAconyte BooksPart of theLegends of Asgard line of novels
TriptychSeptember 28, 2021X-MenJaleigh JohnsonAconyte BooksPart of theXavier Institute line of novels
Dark Avengers: The Patriot ListOctober 12, 2021Norman Osborn, Dark AvengersDavid GuymerAconyte BooksPart of theUntold line of novels
Marvel MeowOctober 12 2021Nao FujiViz Media
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: No Guts, No GloryNovember 2, 2021Guardians of the GalaxyS. D. PerryTitan BooksPrequel to the gameMarvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
Witches UnleashedNovember 9, 2021Witches, Ghost RiderCarrie HarrisAconyte BooksPart of theUntold line of novels
The Rebels of VanaheimDecember 21, 2021HeimdallRichard Lee ByersAconyte BooksPart of theLegends of Asgard line of novels
School of XDecember 21, 2021X-MenJaleigh Johnson,Robbie MacNiven,Cath Lauria,Amanda Bridgeman,Pat Shand,Neil Kleid,Carrie HarrisAconyte BooksPart of theXavier Institute line of novels
Reign of the DevourerJanuary 4, 2022Doctor DoomDavid AnnandaleAconyte BooksPart of theUntold line of novels
Shuri: A Black Panther Novel - SymbiosisJanuary 4 2022ShuriNic StoneScholastic Inc.
Black Panther: SpellboundFebruary 1 2022Black PantherRonald L. SmithMarvel PressPart of theYoung Prince series
Three SwordsFebruary 1, 2022Warriors ThreeC. L. WernerAconyte BooksPart of theLegends of Asgard line of novels
Black Cat: DiscordMarch 1, 2022Black CatCath LauriaAconyte BooksPart of theHeroines line of novels
Shadow AvengersApril 5, 2022AvengersCarrie HarrisAconyte BooksSet in the same world as theMarvel: Crisis Protocol board game
Siege of X-41May 3, 2022X-MenTristan PalmgrenAconyte BooksPart of theSchool of X line of novels
Squirrel Girl: UniverseAugust 2, 2022Squirrel GirlTristan PalmgrenAconyte BooksPart of theHeroines line of novels
Sisters of SorcerySeptember 6, 2022CleaMarsheila RockwellAconyte BooksPart of theUntold line of novels
Black Panther: UprisingSeptember 6, 2022Black PantherRonald L. SmithMarvel PressPart of theYoung Prince series
The Prisoner of TartarusOctober 4, 2022HeimdallRichard Lee ByersAconyte BooksPart of theLegends of Asgard line of novels
Black Panther: Panther's RageOctober 11, 2022Black PantherSheree Renée ThomasTitan BooksAdaptation ofJungle Action (Vol. 2) #6-17
Sound of LightNovember 1, 2022DazzlerAmanda BridgemanAconyte BooksPart of theSchool of X line of novels
Marvel's Midnight Suns: Infernal RisingNovember 29, 2022Midnight SunsS. D. PerryTitan BooksPrequel to the gameMarvel's Midnight Suns
Queen of DeceptionFebruary 7, 2023HelaAnna StephensAconyte BooksPart of theLegends of Asgard line of novels
The Winter Soldier: Cold FrontFebruary 7, 2023Winter SoldierMackenzi LeeMarvel PressPart of theRebels & Renegades line of novels
Silver Sable: PaybackMarch 7, 2023Silver SableCath LauriaAconyte BooksPart of theHeroines line of novels
Into the Dark DimensionApril 4, 2023Doctor StrangeStuart MooreAconyte BooksSet in the same world as theMarvel: Crisis Protocol board game
Guardians of the Galaxy: Annihilation - ConquestApril 18, 2023Guardians of the GalaxyBrendan DeneenTitan BooksAdaptation ofAnnihilation: Conquest
Araña and Spider-Man 2099: Dark TomorrowMay 2, 2023Araña, Spider-Man 2099Alex SeguraMarvel Press
Miles Morales Suspended: A Spider-Man NovelMay 2, 2023Spider-ManJason ReynoldsAtheneum/Caitlyn Dlouhy Books
The Phoenix ChaseMay 2, 2023Kid OmegaNeil KleidAconyte BooksPart of theSchool of X line of novels
The Tyrant SkiesMay 2, 2023Doctor DoomDavid AnnandaleAconyte BooksPart of theUntold line of novels
Mockingbird: Strike OutJune 6, 2023MockingbirdMaria LewisAconyte BooksPart of theHeroines line of novels
Wastelanders: Star-LordJuly 4, 2023Old Man Star-LordSarah CawkwellAconyte BooksAdaptation ofMarvel's Wastelanders: Old Man Star-Lord
Look Out for the Little Guy!September 5, 2023Ant-Man (Scott Lang)Rob KutnerHyperion Avenue
Marvel's Secret InvasionSeptember 12, 2023AvengersPaul CornellTitan BooksAdaptation ofSecret Invasion
Hawkeye: Bishop Takes KingOctober 3, 2023Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)Ashley PostonMarvel Press
The Hunger (novel)October 3, 2023Marvel ZombiesMarsheila RockwellAconyte Books
Captain Marvel: Shadow CodeOctober 17, 2023Captain MarvelGilly SegalTitan Books
Loki: Journey Into MysteryDecember 19, 2023LokiKatherine LockeTitan BooksAdaptation ofJourney Into Mystery #622-645
What If…Loki Was Worthy?March 12, 2024Loki, ValkyrieMadeleine RouxRandom House WorldsPart of theWhat If . . . ? line of novels
Doctor Strange: Dimension WarMarch 26, 2024Doctor StrangeJames LovegroveTitan BooksAdaptation of the Doctor Strange stories fromStrange Tales
Thor: Metal GodsApril 16, 2024ThorAaron Stewart-AhnOpen Road MediaText version of the story previously released as a serialized audiobook
Black Widow: Bad BloodApril 16, 2024Black WidowLindsay SmithOpen Road MediaText version of the story previously released as a serialized audiobook
Jessica Jones: Playing with FireApril 16, 2024Jessica JonesLauren BeukesOpen Road MediaText version of the story previously released as a serialized audiobook
Black Panther: Sins of the KingApril 16, 2024Black PantherIra Madison IIIOpen Road MediaText version of the story previously released as a serialized audiobook
Marvel's Original SinMay 7, 2024AvengersGavin G. SmithTitan BooksAdaptation ofOriginal Sin
Storm: Dawn of a GoddessJune 4, 2024StormTiffany D. JacksonRandom House Books for Young Readers
Captain America: The Shield of Sam WilsonJanuary 14, 2025Captain America (Sam Wilson)VariousTitan Books
Breaking the Dark: A Jessica Jones Marvel Crime NovelJuly 2, 2024Jessica JonesLisa JewellHyperion AvenuePart of theMarvel Crime line of novels
What If…Wanda Maximoff and Peter Parker Were Siblings?August 27, 2024Wanda Maximoff, Peter ParkerSeanan McGuireRandom House WorldsPart of theWhat If...? line of novels
What If…Marc Spector Was Host to Venom?October 29, 2024Marc Spector, VenomMike ChenRandom House WorldsPart of theWhat If...? line of novels
Super Visible: The Story of the Women of MarvelMarch 4, 2025Brie Larson, Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth OlsenMargaret StohlGallery 13
Fantastic Four: The Coming of GalactusJune 17, 2025Fantastic FourJames LovegroveTitan BooksAdaptation ofFantastic Four #48-50
Enemy of My Enemy: A Daredevil Marvel Crime NovelJuly 29, 2025DaredevilAlex SeguraHyperion AvenuePart of theMarvel Crime line of novels
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