MAX Comics was an imprint ofMarvel Comics formed in 2001 that specializes in adult-oriented comics. The adult content found in the MAX titles has often proved controversial, with everyone from religious watchdog groups to Stan Lee himself criticizing the imprint.[1] It was brought back in 2019 for thePunisher: Soviet limited series.
- Alias (28 issues)
- Ant-Man (Canceled) (4 issues, unpublished)
- Apache Skies (4 issues)
- Black Widow: Pale Little Spider (3 issues)
- Blade (Vol. 3) (6 issues)
- Born (4 issues)
- Cage (Vol. 2) (5 issues)
- Dead of Night Featuring Devil-Slayer (4 issues)
- Dead of Night Featuring Man-Thing (4 issues)
- Dead of Night Featuring Werewolf by Night (4 issues)
- Deadpool Max (12 issues)
- Deadpool MAX 2 (6 issues)
- Deadpool Max: A History of Violence (1 issue)
- Deadpool MAX X-Mas Special (1 issue)
- Deathlok: Detour (4 issues, unpublished)
- Destroyer (Vol. 3) (5 issues)
- Doctor Spectrum (6 issues)
- Dominic Fortune (4 issues)
- Eternal (6 issues)
- Fantomex MAX (4 issues)
- Foolkiller (Vol. 2) (5 issues)
- Foolkiller: White Angels (5 issues)
- Fury (Vol. 2) (6 issues)
- Fury Max (13 issues)
- Get Fury (6 issues)
- Haunt of Horror: Edgar Allan Poe (3 issues)
- Haunt of Horror: Lovecraft (3 issues)
- Hellstorm: Son of Satan (5 issues)
- Hood (6 issues)
- Howard the Duck (Vol. 3) (6 issues)
- Punisher (Vol. 7) (65 issues)
- Punisher: Frank Castle Max (10 issues)
- Punisher: Soviet (6 issues)
- Punishermax (22 issues)
- Punisher MAX: The Platoon (6 issues)
- Punisher MAX One-Shots
- Punisher MAX Annual
- Punisher: The Cell
- Punisher: The End
- Punisher: Force of Nature
- Punisher Max Special: Little Black Book
- Punisher: The Tyger
- Punisher Max: Butterfly
- Punisher Max: Get Castle
- Punisher Max: Happy Ending
- Punisher Max: Hot Rods of Death
- Punisher MAX: Naked Kill
- Punisher Max: Tiny Ugly World
- Punisher MAX: X-Mas Special
- Punisher Presents Barracuda MAX (5 issues)
- Rawhide Kid (Vol. 3) (5 issues)
- Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu (6 issues)
- Starr the Slayer (4 issues)
- Strange Tales II (1 of 3 issues)
- Supreme Power (18 issues)
- Supreme Power (Vol. 2) (4 issues)
- Supreme Power: Hyperion (5 issues)
- Supreme Power: Nighthawk (6 issues)
- Terror, Inc. (5 issues)
- Terror, Inc. - Apocalypse Soon (4 issues)
- Thor: Vikings (5 issues)
- Untold Tales of Punisher MAX (5 issues)
- U.S. War Machine (12 issues)
- US War Machine 2.0 (3 issues)
- War Is Hell: The First Flight of the Phantom Eagle (5 issues)
- Wisdom (6 issues)
- Wolverine Max (15 issues)
- X-Men: Phoenix Legacy of Fire (2 of 3 issues)
- Zombie (Vol. 2) (4 issues)
- Zombie: Simon Garth (4 issues)
- MAX's logo is repurposed from the cover ofPunisher: War Zone #37.