React Gist Interview
Gist Interview
September 25, 2018 • 1 min read
React Gist Interview is an application built with ReactJS and for any person or company to use to simulateprogramming questions by simply creating and populating the "db.json" file with its Gist-IDs and at the endgenerating a dashboard.
Built with:
- ReactJS
- react-render-gist
- json-server
$ git clone your-project-name
And then install dependencies with yarn.
$ cd your-project-name
$ yarn install
Note: If you can't useyarn, runnpm install
Install json-server:
$ npm install -g json-server
Start the file "db.json":
$ json-server --watch db.json --port 3001
Example file "db.json"
Open a new tab in the current directory and start the app in thedev
$ npm run start
$ yarn start
After run, the browser open window automatically athttp://localhost:3000/
Run the command below to deploy, minimizing All Files.
$ npm run build
$ yarn build
I created this application to test and share knowledge acquired in the studies on ReactJS and also so that any person or company can use to simulate questions about programming, simply creating and populating the file "db.json" with the respective Gist-ID. If you liked this project, contribute improvements or visit onGit Hub
I hope you like ✌️