Tag Archives:End of life
Purge of End of Life versions from Mirrors
OSU Open Source Labs have supported MariaDB for many years in hosting the mirror from which we distribute our releases for which we are most grateful. We were asked if we could reduce the size as our mirror usage had grown to 1TB, rather high compared to other projects.
To accommodate this request we removed all of the end of life releases, 5.5, 10.0 and 10.1 from the mirrors halving the used space.
It turns out there were some continuous integration systems still using these repositories.
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MariaDB 5.5 R.I.P.
Requiescat in pace. May MariaDB 5.5 rest in peace!
As themaintenance policy of the MariaDB Foundation states, we are committed to maintaining each releasefor 5 years. MariaDB 5.5 was announced for General Availability on 11 April 2012, so EOL was originally on 11 April 2017. At that point, weextended it by three years, due to its widespread usage in distributions.
Today, we have 11 April 2020, so this is no accidental, sudden death. Everyone could see it coming.
One Final Release MariaDB 5.5.68
However, we have decided to build one final release MariaDB 5.5.68, with remaining security updates.