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Website Terms & Conditions

The following guidelines must be followed when using our trademarks.

When the MariaDB trademark appears in print or other textual media, the trademark must be distinguished from the surrounding text by use of a different type size or style (e.g. all capitals) or the appropriate notice (e.g. ®). For example, MariaDB®. The objective of this rule is to enhance visibility and let third parties know precisely what MariaDB plc considers to be its trademarks.

The correct form of a trademark must always be used. Consistency and accuracy are key elements in protecting the strength of a trademark. Accordingly, trademarks must not be modified by abbreviations, translations or connection (hyphens or otherwise) to other words or trademarks. Thus, use of “MariaDB” must not be abbreviated or other form of nickname used, particularly in external communications. All logos must be reproduced in strict compliance with established graphical form and in the correct colors.

Each foreign country has its own trademark laws. Therefore, advice and clearance should be sought from MariaDB before using marketing materials with MariaDB or MariaDB trademarks outside of Finland.

The trademarks below are trademarks of MariaDB in the European Union and other regions:

This list will be updated from time to time to reflect additional trademarks and changes in registration status.

Our Trademark

The “MariaDB” trademark is wholly owned by MariaDB plc and is a registered trademark in Australia (TM number 1016939), Brazil (TM number 830388869), Canada (TM number 897212), China (TM number 1016939), the European Union (TM number 8267395), International (TM number 1016939), Japan (TM number 1016939), Mexico (TM number 1127972), Norway (TM number 1016939), New Zealand (TM number 1016939), Republic of Korea (TM number 1016939), Russia (TM number 1016939), Switzerland (TM number 1016939), Taiwan (TM number 1434054) and the United States of America (TM number 4206286).

MariaDB plc and Oracle Corporation Inc.

For the avoidance of doubt, no affiliation, partnership, joint-venture or relationship of any kind exists between MariaDB plc and Oracle Corporation Inc, the trademark holders of MySQL.

MySQL, the MySQL logo, and MySQL graphics are the servicemarks, trademarks, or registered trademarks owned by Oracle Corporation Inc.

Contact us

If you have questions or would like further information regarding MariaDB trademarks and logos or the use of third-party trademarks in this website pleasecontact us.


