Download MariaDB products and tools for development and production
Download MariaDB Community Server: Lightweight but powerful, innovative but mature, and 100% open source
MariaDB Community Server sets the standard for open source relational databases, with Oracle Database compatibility (e.g., sequences and PL/SQL), temporal tables, transparent sharding, instant schema changes, point-in-time rollback and modern SQL (i.e., common table expressions, window functions, JSON functions and more). MariaDB Community Server now includes ColumnStore for real-time analytics at scale. It’s the best way to get started, when it’s time for production, we recommend MariaDB Enterprise Server (available with subscription).
MariaDB MaxScale: The world's most advanced database proxy and query router
MariaDB MaxScale is an essential component of MariaDB Enterprise Platform. In addition to providing mission-critical applications with enterprise features like automatic failover, it supports workload-based query routing for hybrid transactional/analytical processing (HTAP). MariaDB MaxScale is available to all customers with an enterprise subscription. For the most recent MaxScale releases, please visit the MaxScale downloads under the MariaDB Enterprise Platform tab.
MariaDB ColumnStore: Distributed, columnar storage and processing for scalable analytics
MariaDB ColumnStore extends MariaDB Community Server with distributed storage and massively parallel processing to support scalable, high-performance analytics. It can be deployed in addition to InnoDB to accelerate analytical queries, or for hybrid transactional and analytical processing (HTAP), or as a standalone columnar database for interactive, ad hoc analytics at scale. ColumnStore can optionally use object storage services in public or private clouds to lower costs and store an unlimited amount of data.
MariaDB Enterprise Server: Enhanced, hardened and secured for mission-critical applications
MariaDB Enterprise Server is a hardened version of MariaDB Community Server built for production deployments. It undergoes extensive QA, is configured for production by default and includes enterprise features to improve operating efficiency at scale and support the most secure environments. MariaDB Enterprise Server is available to all subscription customers.
Interested in an Enterprise subscription?Contact us to get started.
MariaDB MaxScale: The world’s most advanced database proxy and query router
MariaDB MaxScale is an essential component of MariaDB Enterprise. It not only provides mission-critical applications with enterprise features including automatic failover and denial-of-service protection, it supports workload-based query routing for hybrid transactional/analytical processing.
Interested in an Enterprise subscription?Contact us to get started.
MariaDB ColumnStore: Distributed, columnar storage and processing for scalable analytics
MariaDB ColumnStore extends MariaDB Server with distributed storage and massively parallel processing to support scalable, high-performance analytics. It can be deployed in addition to InnoDB to accelerate analytical queries, or for hybrid transactional and analytical processing (HTAP), or as a standalone columnar database for interactive, ad hoc analytics at scale. ColumnStore can optionally use object storage services in public or private clouds to lower costs and store an unlimited amount of data.
Interested in an Enterprise subscription?Contact us to get started.
MariaDB ColumnStore Cluster Manager
Cluster Manager API (CMAPI) is a RESTful server that allows the clustering of multinode ColumnStore deployments
Interested in an Enterprise subscription?Contact us to get started.
MariaDB may be deployed for production environments using native package management tools apt and yum.
As Debian and Ubuntu users (apt) and CentOS, RHEL, Fedora, and SuSE users (yum) you may use our universal configurator to set up your production server's MariaDB package repository configuration. Once configured, you can use your native (apt/yum) package management tools to install and update MariaDB software.

Lightweight, advanced connectors for high-performance data access and data streaming.
MariaDB Connector/C is a high-performance client library with advanced functions, bulk operations, asynchronous/non-blocking APIs and multiple options for encrypted connections via TLS/SSL. MariaDB Connector/C is LGPL.
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