Can someone help I try to download games but only one in 10 work either my download will go from saying 5 minutes left to nothing and if I try to pause it wont let me unpause and if I can actually download the game sometimes it will say there was a problem when moving the files or something and I cant install it (ps size doesn't seem to have a factore it will just stop around 3/4ths of the way there with all games) and it's not that I cant get any games because I few do work but this isn't one of them
Hi I started playing your game recently and I'm definitely a fan of the plot and art style so far and I might be a little ignorant to the games features but adding even a small amount of animations to just the sex scenes would definitely improve the game in my opinion. (I'm not a game designer or artist so this might be much harder than I expect and I know your game is still early on in development so it would probably be in your plans anyway. these are just my thoughts dont attack me)