


Manifesto for Responsible Software Development

In order to foster a free and fair society I affirm that I will

practice my profession with responsibility and with

dignity. I will abide by the following principles:

Manifesto for Responsible Software Development

In order to foster a free and fair society I affirm that I will

practice my profession with responsibility and with

dignity. I will abide by the following principles:

I am ethically responsible for my decisions and I will act according to my conscience.

The impact of software is growing continuously in all areas of our lives. I acknowledge the consequences to humanity and the environment that evolve from our work.

I will not develop software that is intended to violate human rights and civil liberties.

It is increasingly possible to violate personal and human rights with the use of software as the boundaries between real and digital world become blurred.

I know that I can't control software once it is released so I have a responsibility to consider the potential for my software to violate people’s rights before I start to implement it. I will reject projects which facilitate this abuse.

I will be worthy of the faith in me as an expert of my profession.

The possible negative consequences of the improper use of complex software are inconceivable to most users. Therefore it is our responsibility as software developers to communicate the boundaries of proper use clearly.

When I realize that a software that I released is not applicable anymore, my minimum responsibility is to let potential and existing users know.

I will collect only the data that is essential for my task. I will store it only as long as needed.

My applications are likely to collect personal information. I will safeguard this, and use it only as the provider of the information intended. I will treat their data as if it were my own.

I will do my very best to prevent the waste of energy and resources.

The increasing number of devices that contain software has a strong impact on the global use of resources and energy.

I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honor.

I sign the Manifesto for Responsible Software Development

I am ethically responsible for my decisions and I will act according to my conscience.

I will not develop software that is intended to violate human rights and civil liberties.

I will be worthy of the faith in me as an expert of my profession.

I will collect only the data that is essential for my task. I will store it only as long as needed.

I will do my very best to prevent the waste of energy and resources.

I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honor.

Privacy policy:

We need your e-mail address in order to send you a validation message. When you validate your e-mail, we will add your name to the list. We will not use your e-mail address in any other way. As soon as you confirmed your e-mail address, we will store it only in an encrypted form to validate it's uniqueness.

View who already signed the manifesto

All these people take responsibility for their work!

Nils Löwe
Friederike Löwe
Jan Ahrens
Christoph Mewes
Philip Müller
Helga Karafiat
Sabrina Wranke
Andy Hunt
Florian Zeidler
Matt Duffy
Maik Schmidt
Mel Riffe
Michael Triantafelow
Dave Ruske
Dave Strock
Stefan Schmidt
Anthony Palumbi
Dale Alleshouse
Steve Merrick
Thomas Ehardt
Jeremy Weiland
Jonathan Durant
ruowen wang
Julio Biason
Choucri FAHED
Radek Falhar
Adam Berry
Terence Tuhinanshu
Kimberly Blessing
Nancy Massey
Rolf Haakon
Bart Enkelaar
Jens Hausherr
Karsten Langeloh
Javier Tiá
Giacomo Russo
Alessio Fachechi
Kad Dembele
Hares Faiez
Alberto Acerbis
Antonello Giuseppe Bianchi
Gaston Verelst
Thiago Rebouças Linhares
Rick Langdon
Tony Curcio
David Lojudice Sobrinho
Gustavo Zapico
Daniel Antonio Macias Espinoza
Nicholas Christiny
Panos Parisis
Sundarraj Kaushik
Manish Bhatia
William Notowidagdo
Javad Norouzi
Tiago Griffo
Eduardo R. Puntel
Baekjun Lim
Peter Svedberg
Yoo Seongyeon
Austin Hwang
Gihun Yi
Oh Sunghoon
Douglas Carlyle Flora Batista
Ajoy Bhatia
Cori D. Farris
Ali Ghafoori
JaeHong Park
Paolo Musolino
David Trinh
Leonard Daume
Kevin Straßer
JongGyu Park
Carlos Ponce
Oshan Wisumperuma
Marcello Roehrssen
Gunnar Zötl
Johannes Link
Jan "Egga" Hartung
Stephan Roth
Görge Albrecht
Ali MoezGholami
Steffen Gemkow
Martin Körner
Holger Machens
Homer Simpson
Flash gordon
Elliot Blackburn
Lee Hartford
Alexis Maestre-Saborit
Jorin Vogel
Bernhard Rode
Clarence Mitchell
Ivo Augusto
Herbert Weihmann
Alex Rudall
Kyeok Kim
Qaiser Abbasi
Evelyn Hartwig
Stipe Kotarac
Vlad Glagolev
Maryam Aly
Michael Mason
Nicolas Siver
Carl Johnson
Wilson Canda
Duck McMallard
Christine Dodrill
Albert Casanovas
Rajeev Edmonds
Avery Magnotti
Nick Shepherd
Hannah Ward
Erik Christianson
Jacob Childress
Zachary Schneirov
Ben Gibbs
Eric Davies
Cody McCodeface
Bryan Summersett
Juan Miguel Rua
Amedee d'Aboville
Jadson Lourenco
braxton frederick
Luigi Vargas
Sam Raker
Zeid Marouf
Kord Campbell
Chuck Norris
Ygor Lazaro
Albert Zak
Andrew Northrop
Michael Shields
Jacob Elder
Renato Cruz
Jason Marshall
Brian Jacobel
Jeff McMahan
Daniel Belchamber
Yogesh Kumar
Carlos A Sanchez
Tom Jung
Marian Beermann
Frederik Creemers
Ignacio Trujillo
Mark Waldron
Michael Dabydeen
Stuart Eccles
Eric David Smith
JP Hastings-Spital
Iago Tomas
Igor Lilic
Jese Schwartz
Marco Garofalo
Piper Merriam
Cameron Wardzala
Angel Ortiz :P
Andy Betteridge
Andrei Sambra
Juan Manuel Cabello
Clayton A Davis
David Parry
Shiraz Suleman
Adam Gavronek
Paul Bardea
Narendran Srinivasan
Boloutare Charles Doubeni
Jan Bialostok
Mudit Jain
Arthur Milliken
David Nowinsky
Ognjen Bubalo
Rod Hilton
Edgar Ortega
Sunil Joglekar
Ruslan Khozinov
Tibor Blenessy
Kun Wang
Chun-kit HO
Mike Goldin
Sean Finch
Daniel James
Scott Davies
Mindaugas Mozūras
Dario Castañé
Oriol Egea
Chuck Fry
Gilbert West
Panos Christeas
Carlos M. Arias Moreno
Juan Esteve
Andhitia Rama
Ruhi Choudhury
Alessio Gerace
Paulius Sladkevičius
Virgile Quintin
Mohamad Badrah
Erik Larkö
Christoffer Karlsson
Guido Contreras Woda
Birkir Freyr
Halldór Rúnarsson
Paul Tibbetts
Ales Ruzicka
Rafael García Álvarez
Elliott Crush
Blake Newman
Glenn Musa
Antonio Espinosa
Romain Sertelon
Igor Frolov
Christoph Stahl
Dimitri Merejkowsky
Erwin Lottemann
Ihor Kalnytskyi
Dominik Muhs
Dennis Weissmann
AhMaD Alkassem
Andreas Baldeau
Chris Johnson
Tim Farland
Jonathan Scott
Laura Pearson
Laury Lafage
Alexis Payne
Ekkehard Kruckenberg
Marc Dubois
Teresa Holfeld
Helmer Martin
Bruce Cowan
Martin Dupuis
Marwan Aziz
Arun Kumar M
Yi Han
Felix Wolfsteller
Sergio España
Jennifer Shepherd
Sella Bae
Felix Gnass
Ammar Arjomand
Fabricio Soares da Silva
Mark Channer
Cornelis Heuperman
Deborah Youngblood
Clarence Mitchell
Chris Gilbert
Paul Fazackerley
Héctor Rueda Villa
Florian Nehmer
Uwe Krause
Andre Brand
Vlad Andrei Chiriac
joseph townshend
John Dennehy
Alexander Ziebell
Julio limachi
Ishan Das Sharma
Arild Thielemann
Ellen Strange
Chris Whitehouse
Javier Lopez Ramos
Hamish Arro
Kristofer Abbott
Katie Whitlock
Alailson Bolzon Alonso
Tarek Annan
Mehmet ucar
Jaroslaw Roman Cudzich
Torsten Beyer
Liovirgilda Mendonca
Robert Kirsch
Delaney Burke
Michał Biegun
Tom Boyks
Daniel Broadhurst
Tobias Kloock
Ernst Jendritzki
Cassius Naylor
Frank Hahn
Aki Fukai
Jason Hamilton
Carsten Wölk
Lea Rosema
Tasia Iso

