


A Git Porcelain inside Emacs

Magit is a complete text-based user interface toGit. It fills theglaring gap between the Git command-line interface and various GUIs,letting you perform trivial as well as elaborate version control taskswith just a couple of mnemonic key presses. Magit looks like aprettified version of what you get after running a few Git commandsbut in Magit every bit of visible information is also actionable to anextent that goes far beyond what any Git GUI provides and it takescare of automatically refreshing this output when it becomes outdated.In the background Magit just runs Git commands and if you wish you cansee what exactly is being run, making it possible for you to learnthegit command-line by using Magit.

Using Magit for a while will make you a more effective version controluser. Magit supports and streamlines the use of Git features thatmost users and developers of other Git clients apparently thoughtcould not be reasonably mapped to a non-command-line interface. Magitis both faster and more intuitive than either the command line or anyGUI and these holds for both Git beginners and experts alike.

If you are new to Magit, then either one of the following two articles should help understanding how it differs from other Git clients. Click the triangles to expand brief summaries.

Visual Magit walk-through If you are completely new to Magit, then this article is a good visual introduction. Almost everything that you see in Magit can be acted on by pressing some key, but that's not obvious from just seeing how Magit looks. The screenshots and accompanying text of this article explain how to perform a variety of actions on Magit's output.
Magit, the magical Git interface Magit differs significantly from other Git interfaces, and its advantages are not immediately obvious simply from looking at a few screenshots as presented in the preceding article. This article discusses Magit's properties in somewhat more abstract terms.

Or you might prefer avideo introduction.

Keeping its usersthis excited is a lot of work. If Magit makes you
more productive too, thenplease consider making a donation.
Thank you! — Jonas Bernoulli
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When something doesn’t work as expected then please first see theFAQ. Then also try the list ofopen issues and usethe search box at the top of that page to find older related issues.You should also consult themanual and ask a general-purposesearch engine.

If that doesn’t answer your question, then ask for help on theEmacs Stackexchange site, theEmacs SubredditorGithub discussions.

Please do NOT use the GitHub issue tracker for support requests.We only use it for feature requests and bug reports.


Magit was started byMarius Vollmer, and is now maintainedbyJonas Bernoulli,Kyle Meyer, andNoam Postavsky. Former maintainers areNicolas Dudebout,Peter J. Weisberg,Phil Jackson,Rémi Vanicat, andYann Hodique.Many more people havecontributed code and suggestedfeatures.

Over the years a lot of people supported development financially,including the backers of the 2017 crowdfunding campaign.

