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To be honest, when I read something like "free demo" I skip it automatically. Not because I'm ignorant, I just don't want to attach to something that I can't have at the moment. Also, I think demos aren't really working in the way people plan it, it's mostly because of my perception, but there are a dozen other visual novels with completely free updates, still having more followers on patreon. It's really about to find the middle golden way, so every party is happy. I would also rather give my money to someone who have a "writer-reader bond", like not being cold with updates, it would actually boost my moral for support.
I was also thinking about it when I worked on my own visual novel like years before and I would have also stick with the free updates. (Only if I had the ability to share it) Creating a "bond" with everyone instead of only with patreon members would cut the audience and other possibilities short. "Poor" people can be future supporters too at the end of the day.
NaruEver has a Patreon account you can subscribe to, and I'm not sure if it's worth it right now but he changed it so he receives payment every update, so not once per month like usual (others like GigaSaddle – Pervader are doing the same). Since you won't be charged for nothing there's no real reason for why you shouldn't subscribe, but I leave it to you to decide.
Apparently, updates are really slow because of his editor. Here's what he wrote last, I just fixed the language errors to the best of my abilities (there might still be errors left):
"Hello and sorry for no updates in a long time.
I got many messages about whether or not I'm still working on Lunateria or the project is dead. My project is still on-going, however, but lacking the material to update. Because of my fault, which happened to be sending the longer than previous Chapter 4 script too late, my editor, who is in fact working on several writing projects, estimates my script will be finalized around the end of the year or later. I can only wait, yet instead of wasting my time I already did what I can in advance:
–pre-coding with unedited script to save time when I receive my script back
–check overall gameplay like character expressions, sound, and music to match with scenes
–complete new scenes and art sprites
–might start writing the last capter's script next month"
If you have anything to ask me you can do so onFacebook and Twitter.
Thank you very much for supporting me until now and apologies for the inconvenience."
Keep in mind this was already way back in August.
Until now there hasn't been a new update to reveal what state the game is in, even though I'm confident about Lunateria's return.
After I tested it myself I got the exact same error. I will contact NaruEver and explain this to him. You really don't want to miss out on Lunateria that's for sure. Alright, now we have to wait for an answer...
So I tried to install another game, but guess what, the exact same error happened. Now I'm very confused and honestly a little bit worried.
He seems to be doing alright, since he posted an update on Patreon in August. He says that his editor takes a long time, because they're working on many writing projects simultaneously. Unfortunately it will take at least till the end of the year for them to finish according to NaruEver. In the meantime, he's practically almost finishing the writing part of the game, apparantly pre-coding as well as checking the overall gameplay and completing new art sprites.
I don't know whether the post is visible for everyone or only patrons.
From the looks of it, the game is far from being abandoned!