I put it in the dedicated spot that itch has for steam links (More information -> Links), but I guess that's a little hidden. itch.io probably does not want to advertise other shops too much, hehe. Either way, here you go: Steam
This is a really great game - and I have only played the campaign mode so far. Looking forward to trying out the online mode and horde modes! Very nice work to the developer and very worth the small cost to me.
I've been playing it on Linux and it has a very smooth - almost native feeling.
Great game, as a Starcraft 2 fan I really enjoy this game. Bug report : it seems tutorial mission 10 has a problem. I can't apply powerups, the buttons don't show up and shortcuts are ineffective.
Thank you! SC2 was also a huge inspiration for me and a major leap in RTS history. Thanks for the bug report, I noted it down and will fix it for the next release.
How many would you want? Basically, I can just bump that number up. I'd have to make sure that I got enough color palettes and starting points and the server would need enough bandwidth.