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Vaizdas:Tuva in Russia.svg

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Vaizdas:Tuva in Russia.svg
Rinkmenos SVG peržiūros PNG dydisː800 × 431 taškų.Kitos 6 rezoliucijos:320 × 173 taškų |640 × 345 taškų |1 024 × 552 taškų |1 280 × 690 taškų |2 560 × 1 381 taškų |1 181 × 637 taškų.

Didesnės raiškos iliustracija(SVG rinkmena, formaliai 1 181 × 637 taškų, rinkmenos dydis: 6,47 MiB)

Ši byla yra iš bendrosWikimedia Commons nemokamų resursų duomenų bazės, palaikomosWikimedia Foundation organizacijos. Norėdami sužinoti licencijavimo smulkmenas, žiūrėkitepaveikslėlio aprašymą
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Paveikslėlio aprašymas
Į paveikslėlio aprašymą
Šis failas yra patalpintas bendrojoje Vikimedijos saugykloje – Vikitekoje


AprašymasTuva in Russia.svg
Deutsch: Lage von XY (siehe Dateiname) inRussland.
English: Location of XY (see filename) inRussia
ŠaltinisMano darbas
This SVG file was uploaded withCommonist.
Thisvector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this file:
Russia edcp location map.svg (by Uwe Dedering).
Kitos versijos

ThisSVG map is part of a locator map series applying thewidespread location map scheme. Please seeroot category to browse for more.

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Šiaurės Amerika


Pietų Amerika

Locator maps design recommendations ▼
Design Guidelines are based on▸location map design of the German map shop (in German). It's preferable to derive new locator maps from existing location maps. Please keep both size and ratio in this case. Thus the new locator maps may still be applied as location map (▸Guide). Marker color is supposed to be darkred. Waterbodies may be transparent, to show other objects better. Please be aware that this guide is only a recommendation. It’s not an inevitable law!
  • Color template
    Color template
  • Template toolbox
    Template toolbox
  • Other optional map elements
    Other optional map elements
  • Subdivision of a country
    Subdivision of a country
  • Country within an international organization
    Country within an international organization
  • Country without context projected on the globe
    Country without context projected on the globe
  • Country without context
    Country without context
Highlight small areas
  • Marker
  • Merged markers
    Merged markers
  • “Glowing” edges
    “Glowing” edges
  • Zoom
  • Zoom
  • Zoom
“Remote” areas and mini maps
Mini maps show where the depicted area actually is situated. Check outVorlage:Positionskarte+ (in German) andModèle:Carte en coin (in French) of how to insert a mini map in virtually every map.
  • Small maps apply different scales
    Small maps apply different scales
  • Small map applies same scale as main map
    Small map applies same scale as main map
  • Mini map with box
    Mini map with box
  • Depicted continent dark grey
    Depicted continent dark grey
  • Zoomed box on a world map also showing the remote part of country
    Zoomed box on a world map also showing the remote part of country
Disputed areas
  • rest of Serbia: foreign or the same country?
    rest of Serbia: foreign or the same country?
  • Kosovo: part of Serbia?
    Kosovo: part of Serbia?
  • Whether South Ossetia or Abkhazia form a part of Georgia is disputed. The marked Georgian administrative region however is partly under Georgian control (solid red) while other parts are part break-away "country" South Ossetia (hatched).
    Whether South Ossetia or Abkhazia form a part of Georgia is disputed. The marked Georgian administrative region however is partly under Georgian control (solid red) while other parts are part break-away "country" South Ossetia (hatched).
  • India claims some northern areas (hatched) while other areas are controlled by India but challenged by other countries. India claims all of Kashmir (red areas), while it controls only the southern part of it (cf. broad red stripes vs. narrow red stripes).
    India claims some northern areas (hatched) while other areas are controlled by India but challenged by other countries. India claims all of Kashmir (red areas), while it controls only the southern part of it (cf. broad red stripes vs. narrow red stripes).
  • Western Sahara: part of Morocco?
    Western Sahara: part of Morocco?
  • Like above. However, the map differentiates whether the disputed area is controlled by Morocco or not.
    Like above. However, the map differentiates whether the disputed area is controlled by Morocco or not.
  • Locator map of Taiwan in China. Map hatches all areas that are claimed but not controlled by China. Hence, highlighted Taiwan is also hatched grey/red.
    Locator map of Taiwan in China. Map hatches all areas that are claimed but not controlled by China. Hence, highlighted Taiwan is also hatched grey/red.
Greyed special objects
  • Glaciers
  • Urbanized areas
    Urbanized areas
  • Relief
  • Relief (like before, but outlines highlighted)
    Relief (like before, but outlines highlighted)
  • Satellite view
    Satellite view
  • Land cover
    Land cover
  • Relief
Corresponding imagemaps ▼




Šiaurės Amerika


Pietų Amerika


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29 liepos 2011

media type anglų


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dabartinis17:09, 23 rugpjūčio 2011Versijos 17:09, 23 rugpjūčio 2011 miniatiūra1 181 × 637(6,47 MiB)TUBS
01:22, 30 liepos 2011Versijos 01:22, 30 liepos 2011 miniatiūra1 181 × 637(6,47 MiB)TUBS

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